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miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Healing with The Masters

PLEASE READ: Thank you and WELCOME! Your registration is being processed for this FREE Teleseminar Intensive, you will receive an email shortly with information on how to download your bonus items, the full schedule, dial in numbers and how to link to the webcasts (put in your email's contacts or on your white list to ensure you receive this email). The program will run from September 29 - December 22 and you can listen live AND for 48 hours after each speaker... BUT NOW you have an amazing opportunity to purchase this 24 Speaker Teleseminar Intensive series and add it to your personal library. For a limited time, you will be able to secure this series valued at between; $549.00 - $1,049.00 (depending on which package you choose), at an unbelievable price (I wanted to keep the price low enough for all budgets). See details below.

Note: This is a Sale... You won't have access to the sale prices below once you leave this page.

"Revealed... the exact personal and private methods that today's most influential spiritual leaders rely on each and every day to achieve their remarkable accomplishments...

    What if YOU could apply these same principles and techniques to change YOUR life...

From the Desk of Jennifer McLean

10:11 AM Pacific Time

I don't know about you, but I have read hundreds of books by some of the best known names in spirituality and have often wondered about the stories behind the stories. Most of these books have contributed to my ongoing growth and evolution, literally changing my life. I'm sure like me, you would love to have the chance to meet some of these masters. Well... imagine if you could sit down, converse with, and ask the burning questions of life and inquire as to "how did you do it," with some of the most respected, knowledgeable and successful masters of spiritual truths and philosophies now known. To not only understand their books and programs better , but to also find out who they really are and what they did to achieve such amazing things in their lives... AND to hear it straight from them.

Wouldn't you want a permanent recording of these remarkable insights? There is a special offer below that will give you just that, but first...

Wouldn’t it be amazing to understand the things they practiced that led to their success, and hear firsthand the stories of how they overcame personal challenges and still found their dreams? Then you could apply the same principles these teachers will reveal to your own life to achieve more than you could ever dream?

Then what if you had the chance to sit down with not only one of those whose books you have on your bookshelf, but with almost two dozen of your favorites, and truly take in these truths at your leisure in the comfort of your home (or car). That would at least make your day/month/year wouldn't it??

Isn't it time you had the chance to claim your own health, happiness and abundance?

Many listeners from my previous seasons of Healing With the Masters have shared with me how by owning this series it has allowed them to improve their lives exponentially.

WHY? Because the meditations, techniques and subtle messages delivered through these shows are experienced over and over creating a practice that shifts the vibration higher and higher... Opening you to the flow of your life and dreams

Here is your chance to find out and more importantly APPLY the intimate details of the daily practices and routines these masters do to maintain and grow their own dreams and achieve their goals.

"I found you while I was on a Vow of Silence I took to get answers to my prayers. Wow, did I ever get answers :) I just want to tell you that I've been going through some of your talks and meditations and I have gotten to a greater level of clarity than I can remember having in my life. I get emotional just thinking of what you have done for me so far." ~ Delynn Hatch

You want...

  • vibrant health
  • a fit body
  • to not be affected by aging
  • experience true love and a supportive partner
  • have the career of your dreams doing what you love
  • experience the freedom of true abundance and financial wealth

All of these things are your birthright, they are yours for the taking. But sometimes there are internal beliefs and traumas that are keeping us from these aspirations. well here is a bevy of possible solutions...

Imagine you could sit down with Neale Donald Walsh and hear firsthand his story of homelessness and how that life compression lead him to the renowned Conversation With God series of books, then with Marianne Williamson to discuss The Course in Miracles or Gregg Braden and his books The Divine Matrix or his new book Fractal Time and his remarkable dance with miraculous healings, or with Stuart Wilde, a prolific author (one of my favorite books of his is "The Trick to Money is Having Some") having him guide you to what is next for the planet and how YOU fit in.

What if you could ask how Ariane de Bonviosin applied her life experience of being raised in seven countries working at the highest levels of corporate America and discovered through that and her The First 30 Days secret to managing change? Then there is Dr. Eric Pearl's amazing story of the discovery of his remarkable healing abilities how his hands blistered and bled and this energy healed the unhealable?

This is your chance to hear, integrate and OWN their stories and techniques applying them to your life.

This can all be yours, part of your home library, you can listen in your car, on the subway, at the doctors or make it a family sharing moment by owning this remarkable series!

"I want to thank you for offering this wonderful Healing With The Masters show! I really love it and benefit very much from it. At first I thought it would be fine to listen to the audios for 48 hours and write down notes and inspirations, but your own session was so powerful and blasted me off that I decided to order the Mp3's and transcripts to get even "more" out of it, I am SO glad I did! You're doing such an amazing work, you are so direct, fresh, alive and "human", so right on the spot!"
Marjukka Zsagar-Renneberg

Here are some more details about the special speakers:

Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher. Her latest book, The Age of Miracles hit #2 on the New York Times Bestseller list. Among her other 9 published books, four of them -- including A Return to Love - were #1 New York Times Bestsellers. A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality.

Marianne's other books include Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America, The Gift of Change and Emma and Mommy Talk to God.

She has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Charlie Rose.

Do you remember this famous and AMAZING quote: from Marianne:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.

In addition to authoring the renowned With God series, Neale has published 16 other works, as well as a number of video and audio programs. Available throughout the world, each of the CwG dialogue books has made the New York Times Bestseller list, Conversations with God-Book 1 occupying that list for over two and half years.

Neale's work has taken him from the steps of Macchu Picchu in Peru to the steps of the Shinto shrines of Japan, from Red Square in Moscow to St. Peters Square in Vatican City to Tiananmen Square in China. And everywhere he has gone-from South Africa to Norway, Croatia to The Netherlands, the streets of Zurich to the streets of Seoul, Neale has found a hunger among the people to find a new way to live, at last, in peace and harmony, and he has sought to bring people a new understanding of life and of God which would allow them to experience that.

Carol Look

Season I:

With a distinguished background in traditional psychotherapy, Carol Look discovered that combining energy healing methods with her classic training brought incredible results to her clients and unlimited success to her practice. Although Carol has experience with several energy healing techniques Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT, has delivered the strongest results, and is now the primary energy method she prefers.

Trained as a Clinical Social Worker, then earning her Doctoral Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Carol’s earliest results with EFT were in the area of addictions and weight loss. By releasing the emotional and energetic factors that can prevent emotional healing, she began delivering the results that would change her clients’ lives.

Since discovering EFT, Carol has been a pioneer, bringing unprecedented innovations to the application of the technique, and publishing her work for the benefit of others. Carol was one of the first practitioners to be named an EFT Master by EFT Founder, Gary Craig. Carol is the author of two of the field’s classic EFT training manuals, How to Lose Weight with Energy Therapy and Quit Smoking Now with Energy Therapy. She is also the senior author of the new computerized EFT program, The Key to Successful Weight Loss.

Coincidentally, the basic emotional conflicts behind destructive and addictive behavior are the same issues that block people from higher levels of success, and Dr. Look eventually shifted her focus towards prosperity work. By applying and teaching EFT to clear limiting beliefs, release resistance, and build prosperity consciousness, Carol Look’s specialty and passion has become empowering clients to attract abundance into their lives.

Her new book, Attracting Abundance with EFT, is also available as an e-book with companion audio recordings. She offers a wide variety of Attracting Abundance teleclasses, “live” workshops, and several abundance and prosperity packages for people who are ready to break through any barriers to prosperity and expand their comfort zones. Carol hosted the popular internet radio show Attracting Abundance: The Energy of Success.

Dr. David Simon

Dr. David Simon is a board-certified neurologist and pioneer in the medical field. His personal mission is to facilitate the integration of complementary and conventional medicine in the 21st century. Since he began his association with Deepak Chopra, M.D. in the 1980's, Dr. Simon has become one of the nation's foremost authorities on effective and appropriate use of holistic health care practices, specifically ayurveda – the 5,000-year-old healing tradition of India. As medical director of the Chopra Center, Dr. Simon is dedicated to catalyzing the evolution of the prevailing health care system to a healing system that encompasses the emotional, spiritual, and physical health of the individual.

In his role as medical director for the Chopra Center, Dr. Simon continues to research and develop clinical programs in mind-body medicine. He directs a comprehensive curriculum that includes on-site seminars and workshops, in addition to a worldwide educational outreach enterprise. Dr. Simon is the driving force behind the Chopra Center's development, training, and implementation of the Center's flagship programs Perfect Health, Journey into Healing, Primordial Sound Meditation, Seduction of Spirit, Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, and Free to Love, Free to Heal.

Dr. Simon is the author of many wellness books, including his newest book, Free to Love, Free to Heal: Heal Your Body by Healing Your Emotions; and The Ten Commitments: Translating Good Intentions into Great Choices, which became hit the Amazon’s top ten best-seller list in its first month of publication. His other books include Vital Energy; Wisdom of Healing; and Return to Wholeness: Embracing Body, Mind, and Spirit in the Face of Cancer.

David Simon is the co-author (with Deepak Chopra) of Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga; Grow Younger, Live Longer; Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives: a Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth; The Chopra Center Herbal Handbook; and The Chopra Center Cookbook.

John Holland

John Holland is an internationally renowned psychic medium and spiritual teacher, and author of best selling “Born Knowing.” His public demonstrations provide audiences with a rare glimpse into the fascinating subject of mediumship, which he delivers with his unique style, combining subtle humor with the capacity to link to the Other-Side with clarity and passion. John has spent a significant part of his life developing his abilities, and spent two intensive years studying in the UK, where he believes that he got the thorough grounding and training to become a professional medium of absolute integrity. As a result, he has devoted his life to service and to Spirit.

Holland states: "Mediumship is more than just delivering messages" he says, "it's about the confirmation and validation that once our physical body dies, our 'spirit' lives on, but more importantly how the spirits of our relatives, friends, and loved ones are still connected to us."

He has starred in several TV specials, including A&E’s "Mediums: We See Dead People,” which provided a fascinating insight into how John works as a Psychic Time Machine, where he’s able to pick up vibrations and detailed information, whether it’s seen, felt, or heard from a past event. He also starred in his own pilot “Psychic History” for the History Channel.

He is the author of the best sellers: Power of the Soul, Psychic Navigator, Born Knowing, and his latest release The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck, and his next book The Spirit Whisperer – Chronicles of a Medium will be released in 2010.

John can be heard every week, as he hosts his own Internet radio show on Hay House Radio, called “Spirit Connections.” He’s dedicated to the ongoing development of his unique gift and brings real integrity to his profession. John says, "If I can help people connect with someone on the Other Side, and bring peace, comfort, and perhaps some closure, then I've done my job."

Gregg Braden

New York Times best selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970s energy crisis, he became a Senior Computer Systems Designer for Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the last year of the Cold War. In 1991 he was appointed the first Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems where he led the development of the global support team that assures the reliability of today’s Internet.

For more than 20 years, Gregg has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. To date, his work has led to such paradigm-shattering books as The Isaiah Effect, The God Code, The Divine Matrix and his 2008 release, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits. Gregg’s work is now published in 17 languages and 27 countries and shows us beyond any reasonable doubt that the key to our future lies in the wisdom of our past.

Gregg will share the insights about his new book The Spontaneous Healing of Belief... Scientific evidence reveals that heart-based belief affects everything from the healing of our bodies to the atoms of our world. Is it possible that we’re born with the power to reverse disease, create peace and abundance, and even change reality itself? As we face the greatest challenges of human history, these new discoveries suggest that we’re about to find out!

Gay Hendricks

Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., has served for more than 35 years as one of the major contributors to the fields of relationship transformation and bodymind therapies. Along with his wife, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks, Gay is the co-author of many bestsellers, including Conscious Loving, Spirit-Centered Relationships. He is he author of 32 books, including The Corporate Mystic, Conscious Living, Five Wishes and The Big Leap (April 2009). Dr. Hendricks received his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford in 1974. After a twenty-one-year career as a professor at University Colorado, he founded The Hendricks Institute, which offers seminars in North America, Asia and Europe.

In recent years he has also been active in creating new forms of conscious entertainment. In 2003, along with movie producer Stephen Simon, Dr. Hendricks founded The Spiritual Cinema Circle, which distributes inspirational movies to subscribers in 70+ countries around the world,

He has appeared on more than 500 radio and television shows, including OPRAH, CNN, CNBC, 48 HOURS and others.

John Assaraf

John Assaraf is a New York Times best selling author, lecturer and consummate entrepreneur who has a passion for brain research and quantum physics.

His expertise in helping organizations and individuals achieve business and life success has landed him on Larry King Live seven times, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch and ABC, CBS and NBC television worldwide.

In the last 20 years, he has built four multi-million dollar companies including RE/MAX of Indiana to over 1500 sales associates who generate over $5 billion a year in sales and are paid over $120 million in commissions yearly.

During the internet boom days, John developed the marketing and sales strategy that generated over $30 million in revenues within 12 months for Wall Street darling Bamboo then merged with IPEX and went on to become the world’s leading provider of imaging infrastructure for the Internet including, managing the scaled imaging infrastructure for companies such as eBay

Today, John is Founder of OneCoach, a company committed to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs grow their business revenues so they can achieve financial freedom and live extraordinary lives.

His loves are his family, spirituality, exercise, cooking, travel, and helping entrepreneurs understand how to incorporate the psychological and strategic side of building a successful business and life.

John was recently featured in a PBS special TV show "Quest for Success" with the Dali Lama and Richard Branson and in the hit movie and book "The Secret".

His newest New York Times bestselling book “The Answer”, is receiving worldwide acclaim for helping small business owners and entrepreneurs achieve success in today’s ever changing business environment.

Ned Kraft

The Art and Science of a GREAT life — Isn’t it time to find success AND be happy at the same time?

Ned Kraft is my coach, he has allowed me to make “processes” my friend (not small task let me tell you!) And Ned can now help you to discover an additional 20 hours of week of time to spend on “the good stuff”, hobbies, passions, time with family, vacations, days off. All is possible with Ned’s program…

His work has really changed my life and is moving me to a more balanced life and I know he can do the same for you. He is going to share details about his new program and you will be amazed at some very simple processes and tools that can deliver BIG changes.

He brings to his coaching a lifetime of professional, personal, and intuitive experiences to deliver a succinct, systematic, step-by-step and customized program to individuals. He will guide you to a fully lived a balanced life, that includes fulfillment in business, family, body, mind, and spirit.

His two decades of experience in management consulting, and business management plus more than 10 years of personal coaching, combined with his master’s degree from Stanford, make him uniquely qualified to help you move your life and your business forward at an amazing rate.

For this call you can directly experience Ned’s succinct practices that can be applied right away to create time and space in your life. You will leave the call with more time and space to create all you want.

Alison Armstrong

Alison Armstrong a nationally known educator and expert on understanding men, she is the CEO and co-founder of PAX Programs Incorporated. She is the designer of the widely acclaimed Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women® (CMSW) workshop, as well as other exceptional programs for CMSW graduates. Her research and experience is also the basis of the Amazing Development of Men™ and InSync with the Opposite Sex CD series.

Alison is the author of Making Sense of Men - A Woman's Guide to a Lifetime of Love, Care and Attention from All Men - a guide, an unexpected friend, even a prophecy for a woman's future. Funny, information-packed text, illustrative charts and enlightening side-bars deliver priceless insights into men, their motivations and their inspirations. Alison is also the author of Keys to the Kingdom - which covers the encyclopedia of information she has gathered and teaches in the workshops of PAX Programs Incorporated.

Alison has been designing and leading transformational programs for adults for over 20 years. In 1995, after four years of studying men for her personal benefit, she created the Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women workshop to share her extraordinary findings with women across the nation. With her friend Joan McClain, a banking executive, she founded PAX Programs Incorporated with the mission of “altering society’s culture by transforming the way women relate to men.”

Ariane de Bonvoisin

Ariane de Bonvoisin is the CEO and founder of, an organization developed to help people transition through any change, whether it’s career, health, lifestyle, relocation, or personal relationship changes. MSN has named Ariane their Life Change Expert and her advice is sought by thousands around the country. The First 30 Days: Your Guide to Making Any Change Easier (HarperCollins, 2008) was released in paperback in May of 2009.

No stranger to change herself, Ariane, born in New York City to French-Belgian parents, grew up in Hong Kong, Paris, and London, was exposed to different languages, cultures, schools, and ways of living. With a degree in economics and international relations from the London School of Economics, Ariane worked in over a dozen countries in a few years. After an MBA at Stanford, she worked with media giants BMG and Sony Music. Included in her journey was extensive world travel, from heading a nonprofit in Africa to taking students to Antarctica, to scaling Mount Kilimanjaro. In order to provide material for The First 30 Days Ariane traveled the world to interview people on the subject of change. became her life’s work in 2004. Ariane is based in New York City where the company is also headquartered.

Guy Finley

Guy Finley's encouraging and accessible message is one of the true bright lights in our world today. His ideas cut straight to the heart of our most pressing personal and social issues -- relationships, fear, addiction, stress/anxiety, peace, happiness, freedom ­ and lead the way to a higher life.

Guy is the best-selling author of The Secret of Letting Go and his new book The Essential Laws of Fearless Living and more than 36 other books and audio albums that have sold over a million copies in 16 languages worldwide. In addition, he has presented over 4,000 unique self-realization seminars to thousands of grateful students throughout North America and Europe over the past 20 years and has been a guest on over 400 television and radio shows, including national appearances on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, Wisdom Network, and many others.

In addition to his writing and appearance schedule, Guy presents four inner-life classes each week at his non-profit Life of Learning Foundation headquarters in Merlin, Oregon. These classes are ongoing and open to the public.

Dr Eric Pearl

Internationally recognized healer ERIC PEARL has spoken by invitation at the U.N, presented to a full house at Madison Square Garden. As a doctor, Eric ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day when patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them - even though he hadn't physically touched them. For the first couple of months, his palms blistered and bled. Patients soon reported receiving miraculous healings from cancers, AIDS-related diseases, cerebral palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, birth disfigurements and other serious afflictions. All this occurred when Eric simply held his hands near them. To this day, it continues.

Find out what has the medical community baffled. Discover why hospitals and universities across the country are investing time and money in an attempt to explain these extraordinary healings, and how you too, can master this extraordinary work! Eric will discuss his remarkable story of how this energy, light and information first came to him and how it changed his --and many other's-- lives.

Eric Returns once again for volume III of Healing With the Masters.

Sonia Choquette

Sonia Choquette is a unique and extraordinary spiritual teacher, intuitive guide and masterful catalyst whose special gift is to energetically activate the highest vibration and free the authentic Spirit in everyone she meets. She releases people from the restriction and fear of the ego and guides them through the portals to joy, wholeness, and personal empowerment in every area of their life. She has also been a personal Intuitive advisor to such New Age Leaders as Louise Hay, Julia Cameron, Caroline Myss, Dr. Wayne Dyer, pop icon Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins rock band, and professional consultant to international business leaders such as Charlotte Beers, Fortune 500 Company CEO.

A third generation intuitive and prolific writer, she is the best-selling author of ten books published in over Thirty countries: The Psychic Pathway (Three Rivers Press), Your Heart's Desire (Three Rivers Press), The Intuitive Spark (Hay House), True Balance (Three Rivers Press), The Diary of a Psychic (Hay House/Publishers July 2003), Trust Your Vibes (Hay House 2004) Ask Your Guides (Hay House 2005) Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose (Hay House 2006) The Time Has Come (Hay House 2008) and numerous audio editions and meditations.

Her book Your Heart's Desire is currently required reading at the University of Santa Monica and her book The Wise Child was a featured topic at the first International Conference on Children's Spirituality in Atlanta, sponsored by the University of Atlanta.

Sonia will discuss her newest book how we can each discover our gifts.

Dr. Sue Morter

Dr. Sue is a leading authority and Master of the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.), a neuro-emotional process that addresses the mind, body, and spirit and their integrated influence on health. Having been raised in a natural healthcare environment coupled with her commitment to living her soul purpose in a practical way, Dr. Sue founded Morter HealthCenter over 20 years ago, for the purpose of bringing these Mind/Body concepts to Life. Morter HealthCenter is a multi-physician wellness center in Indianapolis, IN, that focuses on teaching patients how to tap into the vital healing force of body, mind, and spirit – naturally.

Far too often concepts like stress, pressure, and deadlines determine daily experiences and diffuse efforts of maintaining a balanced life. Through Dr. Sue’s healing messages and techniques, individuals are able to bridge the worlds of spirituality and practical living to co-create a life filled with purpose, passion, and inner peace.

Dr. Sue is nationally published and serves on professional licensing boards, providing guidance to health care practitioners on integrative approaches to health care leadership.

Dr. Sue’s high-energy platform presence ignites passion, imparts knowledge, and affects audiences around the globe through her keynote addresses, workshops and programs, and radio talk shows. Her winning approach helps individuals learn how to say “Yes, I Am” to possibilities and success, awakens true power and personal transformation.

Marci Shimoff

Marci Shimoff is the author of the runaway bestseller, Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out. Her book, which offers a revolutionary approach to lasting happiness, soared to #1 on Amazon and many other national bestseller list, and debuted at #2 on The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. It's now been translated into 28 languages. The paperback has just been released and is making another splash on the bestseller lists.

Marci is also the host of the Happy for No Reason PBS special that has aired nationwide, and is a featured teacher in the hit film, The Secret. She is the woman's face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history. Her books, including Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul, have met with stunning success, selling more than 13 million copies. She's one of the bestselling female nonfiction authors of all time.

Marci is a professional speaker and one of the nation's leading experts on happiness, success, and the law of attraction, She has inspired millions of people around the world and is dedicated to helping people live more empowered and joy-filled lives. Please join me in welcoming to our show today, Marci Shimoff.

Richard Moss

Richard Moss is internationally respected as a visionary thinker, teacher and author of six books on transformation, self-healing, and the art of conscious living. More than 30 years ago, he left the practice of medicine after a life-changing realization to dedicate his life to help others realize their multidimensional nature and achieve self-mastery. His teaching bridges science, psychology, energy medicine, and spiritual/awareness practices. He is most well known for the deep experiential nature of his work where people learn holistically with their mind, body, and feelings.

His philosophy is entirely pragmatic: work on consciousness must alleviate human suffering and address the root causes of why and how we create so much conflict in ourselves and our world.

His books include: The I That is We (1981), How Shall I Live (1985), The Black Butterfly (1986), The Second Miracle (1995) and Words That Shine Both Ways (1997). His newest book is The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness, published by New World Library, 2007. His works have been translated into Spanish, French, German, and Danish.

For over thirty years Dr. Moss has taught in North America, South America, Europe and Australia. He has been interviewed in magazines and newspapers worldwide, and has presented at numerous conferences and at such institutions as Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Chicago Medical School, U.C.L.A., U.C. Berkeley, American University, Washington DC, Georgetown University, and John F. Kennedy University.

    "I have admired Dr. Moss's work for many years & highly recommend The Mandala of Being." ~Deepak Chopra

    "Richard is one of the most important teachers of transformational knowledge." ~Marianne Williamson

Karim Hajee

Karim Hajee has been teaching people how to improve their lives and achieve their goals for over 20-years. His best selling Creating Power System and Power Of Believing book have already helped people worldwide live the life they want. A former award winning journalist, he has become the expert for the Law Of Attraction at For more than 20-years he's been helping people worldwide how to understand and apply the thought process known as mind power – he has done this with the Creating Power system, as well as, the Power Of Believing, Creating Wealth, Power Affirmations and other material.

Through this work he has discovered that the power of the mind can be easily accessed through a simple and effective system which he teaches in our Creating Power system.

Mind power is about more than just positive thinking and affirmations. Once you realize that it is the power of your thoughts and beliefs that create your reality, you will begin to pay close attention to the thoughts you’re thinking and begin to better understand how your beliefs shape your life.

Dr Pat Carrington

Dr. Patricia Carrington is a clinical psychologist, EFT Master, widely published author, and is a leading pioneer in the field of Energy Psychology. She is the originator of the very popular Choices Method, an advanced meridian tapping technique that has introduced a positive and inspirational element into the entire field of Meridian Tapping.

Before she had become involved in Energy Psychology, Pat had contributed in depth to the field of modern meditation techniques. Her acclaimed Clinically Standardized Meditation Technique won the National Mental Health Award for the most outstanding corporate stress management program of the year and is presently used in medical centers and organizations throughout the world.

Pat has conducted important research in the energy psychology and meditation fields and for many years was on the Psychology Faculty at Princeton University. She is presently Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey where she teaches medical students to view their patients as “whole people”.

Pat is always at the cutting edge of her field and is going to tell us about, and hopefully demonstrate for us, some of the positive approaches she is pioneering in the field of Meridian Tapping.

Jo Dunning

Jo Dunning is a world renowned Spiritual Teacher, author, presenter and popular radio talk show guest. She is well known for her unusual ability to use energy to transform lives and Awaken consciousness. She is often referred to as a Miracle worker because of her ability to create profound changes in the lives of an entire audience. She is able to do this as she easily and joyfully carries on an inspiring conversation about life or shares deep wisdom about the most profound and intricate aspects of Spirituality, personality or Transformation. During each of her programs she offers energy work to the entire audience so they can have a more joyful and prosperous life. The energy offered during each broadcast is also available while listening to the recording.

Jo Dunning is the founder and director of Quantum Energetic Disciplines and developer of The Pulse Technique, a world recognized method for rapid clearing of life issues and personality limitations. She has developed a very popular Training Program offering certification as an Energy Practitioner. She is the creator of the free world wide Abundance Breakthrough Project and regularly offers Activations for Awakening, transformational retreats and other life changing opportunities. Each month she provides free Internet workshops which clear unwanted life issues and assist in expanding consciousness and accelerating spiritual awakening.

Mary A. Hall

Mary A. Hall is passionate Healer with her own H.E.A.R.T and L.E.T. systems of healing, and she is a renowned E.F.T. specialist. Mary incorporates these modalities when working with clients. She is a self-educated, life empowering "coach" that has many tools at hand to coach her clients from an energetic, cognitive and physical perspective, into health.

Her versatility is one of the key ingredients to her success--that, combined with her remarkable ability to quickly hone in on the subtle energies and the core issues allows her to guide clients gently and in a focused way to release blocks and therefore attain their desired goals.

Mary's perceptions and understanding of the energetic system is profound and intuitive. In fact she has used this intuitive gift to define a new healing paradigm called H.E.A.R.T. (Heart Energy Application Resonance Technique) that imbues an energy healing session with the primary essence of love energy creating a field of new possibilities to shift tissue, cells and beliefs into a new form. well as her L.E.T.

During her talk, Mary will be offering an EFT and potentially an L.E.T. (Life Empowering Technique) tapping/Chakra technique session, helping to move you into a new place of wholeness.

Natalie Ledwell

Natalie Ledwell is a successful business woman having operated several different businesses with her husband including a direct mail house, 3 coffee franchises and a nightclub just to name a few.

She is currently an integral part of the Mind Movies Team with her husband Glen and business partner Ryan Higgins. The Mind Movies philosophy is to "change the world one person at a time" by helping people to identify what they want and then creating their own powerful “digital vision board” or Mind Movie to manifest their best life.

Recently Natalie recorded her journey achieving what seemed at the time to be an insurmountable goal – dress size 14 to size 10 in 7 weeks. Recognizing these were the same specific principles attributed to the run away success of the Mind Movies movement, she created an educational, easy to follow and effective success program called 7 Secrets to Happiness to help anyone adopt the right habits to achieve any goal they set themselves.

Natalie calls Sydney, Australia home but spends several months each year in Southern California, Europe and South America.

As the creator and founder of Mind Movies, the blockbuster product that acts as a visual video reminder of your dreams, Law of Attraction expert Natalie applied the principles to create this product that quickly placed her as a leader and her story is an amazing example that all of us can us to propel ourselves to the next best version of ourselves.

Mike Robbins

Mike Robbins believes that appreciation and authenticity are fundamental to the success and fulfillment of individuals, teams, and organizations. Whether speaking to corporations about building strong teams, to athletes about important life and success skills, or to individuals about being real and focusing on the good stuff, Mike's keynotes, workshops, and seminars are insightful, funny and achieve results.

As a personal growth expert and bestselling author, Mike teaches you how to utilize the power of authenticity leading to greater freedom and fulfillment in your life, relationships, and work.

His best-selling book, Focus on the Good Stuff (Jossey-Bass/Wiley, August 2007), reached #4 on the Amazon bestseller list and the San Francisco Chronicle's bestseller list. His new book, Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken (Jossey-Bass/Wiley, April 2009) has met with universal appeal. His new bestselling book is filled with action items, ideas, and practices that will help you be more real in your life, thus giving you a deep sense of peace and satisfaction. Mike and his work have been featured on ABC News, the Oprah and Friends radio network, in Forbes and the Washington Post, and on more than 150 radio and TV stations in North America.

Jennifer McLean

The host and also a speaker for the series, Jennifer McLean is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. As a healer she has studied in three disciplines including Craniosacral, Polarity and Reiki therapies, as well as working with sound healing (tonal healing and souls song retrieval). She has been working in private session with clients from all over the world in person and by phone for more than 18 years offering unique solutions for living a pain-free life. She is also a marketer and has written a book called The Credibility Factor. Jennifer's dichotomous experience as a healer and marketing professional afforded her unique insights into the multiple models people use to manage their worlds. This coupled with her lifetime exploration into spiritual challenges and opportunities, and her training as a healer gave her the tools to write The Big Book of You. Jennifer launched this book in the fall of 2008 and sold out her first run she is still offering her very successfully 6 week Big Book of YOU teleseminar that has changed lives.

Jennifer also contributed a chapter in Joe Vitale’s best-selling book, The Key, over 500,000 copies sold, in which she was featured for her unique healing release methods. Her contribution included techniques for clearing old, unwanted beliefs, and thoughts that get stuck in the body as emotional blockages limiting expression and human potential.

During Jennifer's call you will experience first hand her well known healing dialoging method, and several other specialized tools.

If there is something you have been dreaming of asking these speakers, just send Jennifer an email (found at the bottom of the page) with your questions, or supply them in the checkout "comment box" upon purchasing.

"You have been a major contributor to my life since your program began. I cannot start to tell you how much my contact with you and your show Healing With The Masters has changed my feeling of belonging and having something amazing to share. You have helped me deal with grief and sadness which still visit and show me the skills we have opened and grown together. I have shared lots of you and your guests with many friends. I have been able to explore so much with your guest speakers. Thank you!" ~Steve Weis

Simply by registering for this program, as of right now, you will be able to hear each speaker on Tuesdays AND Thursday at 7PM eastern time from Sept 29 through Dec 22 and you will be able to listen to the recorded session for 48 hours after the event... but,

will you be able to attend each and every call?


...what if you missed something during the course of the call or one of the speakers said something so significant it might be important for you to hear to it again and again?


...what if a speaker offers a technique or a spontaneous meditation that you could use over and over again?


...what if you were unable to make it onto the call because there were too many people on the line?


...what if you wanted to go back later and perform a keyword search of the written transcripts for a particular reference or URL?

Well we have more listening options available for you...

To get the most out of each call we have several upgrade options for you

When you take advantage of one of our special upgrade options (downloadable Mp3 files, Downloadable with transcripts and/or CDs with transcripts for both) for this never to be repeated Healing With The Masters teleseminar event offer, you will have permanent access to this valuable information and you will be able to listen to it whenever and wherever you want.

You can replay the 24 speakers on these audio's files as often as you like, giving yourself the benefits of really being able to deeply listen and integrate the material into your life. You will want to be able to re-experience many of the techniques, meditations and spontaneous healings, applying them to similar but different life challenges that may show up later after the series is over.

Plus, you will also be able to share the information with your loved ones or friends who could not be on the calls.

"Thanks so much for this series--it's truly amazing and I listen to the audios everyday on my way to work. I am so happy I can listen to them over and over again, they give me hope and also some important and relevant tools to work with."
~ Vickie Mynes

Dial in Info and Bonus Downloads for Healing with the Masters

Hi Sri,
[You are receiving this email because you registered to Healing with
the Masters.  The content in this email references how to listen to the
F*R*E*E calls. If you ordered, you will receive a second email with
the information on how to download and listen at your leisure (thanks!)]

Thank you for signing up for Healing with the Masters eleseminar
Intensive.  We are going to have fun, find new ways to shift, and you
will discover a new community of like-minded individuals!
To collect your bonus gifts of the soul songs, the daily heart meditation,
my special healing talk, and the special gift of Marianne Williamson
reading an excerpt from her latest book, The Age of Miracles, please
go to the following download link:
Here is the dial in information for each call (PLEASE NOTE: IT IS THE

Dates: Sept 29 - Dec 22, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
Times: 4:00 PM Pacific, 5:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Central, 7:00
             PM Eastern
Dial In #: 212-461-5800
Pin #:      2922# (Remember to hit the # key)
Webcast Link & SCHEDULE:
You can listen each week without dialing in by linking to the weekly
changing webcast links. The webcast.htm link above will take you
to the web site with all the webcast links and the complete schedule
of speakers. These links will save you long distance charges.  ALSO,
you can use these webcast links to ask questions during the live interviews.
[Because the volume of participants is so high, we can't keep the lines
open.  The form, on the webcast page of each show, is where you can ask the
speakers your questions.] Please note: it is a NEW  WEBCAST LINK
To listen to the replays for 48 hours only after each call go to:
for each speaker and gets replaced every 48 hours.

If you haven't already done so, you can purchase the entire Fall
series at and listen at your
leisure. I have received thousands of emails letting me know the
profound changes people went though because of the techniques learned
through the program, and, by purchasing the series, they were able to use
those techniques, listening again and again, applying them to new life
This means you can now keep a permanent record of the practices these
teachers implement for themselves to live the most fulfilling life... also if you
purchase, you won't miss one of your favorites and can still experience
their insights later at your leisure. Just click on this link for the various

Thank you for hanging out with me on your spiritual and healing journey. 
As a special bonus, for being a part of this subscriber list, you will continue
to receive complimentary healing tools each month that will progress your
releasing and realigning process! I must tell you in advance that I send quite
a few emails to keep you posted on Healing with the Masters updates and
reminders and then for new programs and I send information about other
healing tools, as well as spiritual insights.  Most seem to enjoy the emails I send
... I recommend to just scan them, and feel into the ones that work for you.  Then
simply then delete the rest. :)
Thanks again for joining me on this juicy life adventure!

In love, light and laughter,

P.S., The abundance body dialoging session and soul song are really
assisting those that are having challenges with abundance in their lives AND
it is breaking their fears about recession for good.  Check it out at
Author of The Big Book of You
Speaker, Healer and Sound Therapist
Contributing author to Joe Vitale's The Key
Co-author of Who Do You Think You Are?
Contributor to The Vision Board book

Jennifer McLean

4533 MacArthur Blvd #245
Newport Beach, CA

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