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jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

IN 2 HOURS: Ready For ABUNDANCE? Mary Hall on Healing With the Masters

Hi Sri,
Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

TONIGHT in approximately 2 hours Mary A Hall profound healer
and creator of H.E.A.R.T. and L.E.T. systems of healing,
Abundance Coach and EFT specialist joins us on Healing With the
Masters. (for dial in
info and webcast link)

Mary is my abundance coach and healer. Beyond anyone I have
ever met Mary has this ability to guide those she works with to
find the space for abundance
... and the side effects of that
are happiness. It is real I have had first hand experience,
there is no doubt in my mind that this remarkable woman has
hel ped me grow and expand my business beyond my wildest
imaginations, simply through energetic shifts and changes in
perception. And she can for you too.

Just by being in her presence there is an energetic shift that
occurs she is so finely attuned to the abundance frequency.
CATCH THIS SHOW I promise you will be changed by it.

So this call is a MUST if you are looking for any kind of
ABUNDANCE... join us in less than 2 hours! (for dial in
info and webcast link)
You still have a few more hours to listen to Neale Donald Walsch

I was truly moved by Thursday's call with Neale Donald Walsch
as were so many of you evidenced by the flood of emails.
This was truly a heart and mind opening call with Neale. You
have the chance to be in love with your life and with the
Divine when you finish this one. Do take some time to listen.

REPLAY until about 9 PM pacific time when Mary's call replaces

Neale walked us through the 10 most important messages he has
gleaned from the Conversation With God materials
. Having read
this material so long ago it was such a lovely set of insights
that showed me how I have applied this material since then, and
how I can further expand this in my life now. Just wonderful.

Neale's Special Offer
If you want more of this lovely man and his articulate and
profound message of comfort and empowerment then check out the
special offer we put together for you...


We were granted access to Neale's Archive of audios and came up
with what we think will guide you, inspire you and help you to
find peace abundance and understanding for your life, your
process and the continuing unfolding of what is next for you.
It includes a 1 day intensive to support Neale's new book When
Everything Changes, Change Everything PLUS bonus audios about
abundance, fearlessness and how to have your own Conversation
With God
. AND you will receive a DVD set that will give you
advance guidance on the CWG material... ENJOY this special
offer at a 53% DIS-COUNT!
==> ecial

DATES: Sept 29 - Dec 22

DAYS: EACH Tuesday AND Thursday

TIMES: 4PM pacific/Los Angeles, 5PM Mountain, 6PM Central 7PM
Eastern/New York (for a time zone conversion click here:

DIAL IN INFO and WEBCAST LINKS: this is the site for the full
schedule the dial in information and the links to listen
through a special webcast link (save on long distance calls)

DIAL IN #: 212-461-5800

PIN #: 2922#

REPLAY LINK: http://ww
This is the link to use to listen to the replay of each call
FOR 48 HOURS after each show.

(IF YOU PURCHASED -- please go to the links sent in a separate
email to download and/or listen at your leisure)

REMEMBER, EVERYTHING you need to dial in, see the schedule and
line up of speakers, link to the weekly webcasts (where you can
listen on your computer AND where you ask questions), is found
at this link:
(easy huh?) So BOOKMARK this page.

If you are interested in purchasing this program (and receiving
downloadable bonus gifts from the speakers-- Option 2 & 3), I am
offering all 24 one hour programs packaged at an amazing
price... I am keeping the cost low so everyone can affo rd it.
Just go to If you
miss one of your favorite speakers, you will be sure to have it;
if you hear something you want to experience again, you will own
it; if there is a healing technique that can be done again, you
can do it over and over applying it to new situations. Many are
now telling me they are so glad they purchased so they can
experience over and over the meditations, the exercises and the
nuances of the deeper knowledge they are being given.

Thanks for joining us in discovering the art of life mastery!

Many blessings,

Jennifer McLean

Jennifer McLean

4533 MacArthur Blvd #245
Newport Beach, CA

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