Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]
In about 2 hours join us on Healing With The Masters for tonight's
call with YOURS TRULEY Jennifer McLean. There will be a Body
Dialog there will be a soul song... and a depth of clearing that you will
want to expereince! So please do join me!
http://www.healingwiththemasters.com/webcast.htm (for dial in info
and webcast links)
AND We heard you the calls from Jo Dunning and Chunyi Lin
were so exceptional that we are keeping them up longer.
So please listen, if you are feeling good these calls will take
you to the next level. If you aren't feeling good they will get you
to that place of feeling good... These will be taken down tonight
after Jennifer's call.
As Chunyi Lin said... "if your believe it, it will work, if you don't
believe it, it will still work" (smile).
AND I would also recommend seriously checking out both
of their remarkable special offers. They are amazing and life
changing additions to your daily practice. AND BOTH ARE
Chunyi Lin's Replay Reposted:
We received SOO many requests for Chunyi Ly nn to be reposted,
we did just that! So you can now go and listen to this lovely open
hearted man and this wonderful call that offered SO MANY healing
techniques that were so simple yet powerful. [SCROLL DOWN on the
audio page his call is after Jo's]
REPLAY: http://www.healingwiththemasters.com/audio.htm
Jo's Replay is ALSO remaining up so do go catch it (you will
want to listen more than once).
She answered some of the most pressing questions in many of
our minds about "what the heck is going on." AND she offered
the most AMAZING special offer (you are going to seriously
freak out over this one).
Her answers soothed the soul and gave such hope and even
enthusiasm for what we are facing and what is happening
on the planet, that I for one feel renewed.
Then of course (here is the quite amazing part part) she turned
on that profound energy for us all to awaken. So throughout the
call there was expansive heart and soul opening energy being
offered to each one of us.
This call is a MUST LISTEN!
REPLAY: http://www.healingwiththemasters.com/Audio.htm
--> http://www.healingwiththemasters.com/JoSpecial
I am kind of blown away by this special offer. Jo went all out in
terms of creativity and what is available in current technologies
to create something rare and profound. It has NEVER been
offered before AND at a big discount . I feel like I almost have to
offer a warning though... This product is directed to those
individuals who are SERIOUSLY willing to take their vibration
to the next highest level. This POWERFUL CD is a remarkable
tool that is designed to manage those big challenges that are
showing up for most of us. I hope you will join me on THIS
special adventure of energy with is unique product. Just click
on the link to find out more.:
--> http://www.healingwiththemasters.com/JoSpecial
As an EXTRA special offering, just for those listening, Jo is
offering a surprise bonus. Jo would like to include you in a
drawing for a free pass to The Fall Retreat, November 6 & 7.
You can submit your name by emailing to
jodunningdrawing@gmail.com. The subject line is: Fall Retreat
Drawing offered on Healing With The Masters.
http://www.healingwiththemasters.com/webcast.htm (for dial
in information and webast links)
I LOVE this wonderful offer and as usual was the first to purchase.
Master Lin has put together the most amazing offer for you. It
includes wonderful easy to follow DVDs, audios and books for
opening your qi and awakening and enhancing your own healing
abilities, as well as allowing you to assist others. Master Chunyi
teaches that the more healing energy we send to others the more
healing energy you automatically draw unto yourself. And this
package DELIVERS that is spades. This package is offered at
almost 60% off the retail price... Click the link below to check
it out and order your own personal healing package.
DATES: September 7 - November 30
DAYS: EACH Tuesday AND Thursday
TIMES: 4PM Pacific/Los Angeles, 5PM Mountain, 6PM Central
7PM Eastern/New York (for a time zone conversion click
here: http://budurl.com/TimeZone)
NEXT WEEK: TONIGHT night is yo urs truly Jennifer McLean, and
we are going to deep into body to allow, realign and move
you, THEN is Mark Romero with his beautiful music and sound
vibration gifts.
(this is the site for the full schedule the dial in
information and the links to listen through a special
webcast link (to save on long distance calls)
DIAL IN #: (646) 519-5800
PIN #: 6734 # (remember to hit the pound)
REPLAY LINK: http://www.healingwiththemasters.com/audio.htm
This is the link to use to listen to the replay of each
call FOR 48 HOURS after each show.
BLOG RECAPS: If you are looking for some GREAT recaps of each
show check out m y blog at http://www.bigbookofyoublog.com
(IF YOU PURCHASED -- please go to the links sent in a
separate email to download and/or listen at your leisure)
REMEMBER, EVERYTHING you need to dial in, see the schedule
and line up of speakers, link to the weekly webcasts (where
you can listen on your computer AND where you ask questions),
is found at this link:
http://www.healingwiththemasters.com/webcast.htm (easy huh?)
So BOOKMARK this page.
Regarding Special Offers: with the majority of speakers I
negotiate a special offer on your behalf. If you like what
they are saying I know, at least for me, I would want more
from them. So I create these special offers so you can get
more if you want it, AND at a much reduced rate. I reco mmend
just feeling into each one and only choose the ones that
resonate. This is all there and created for YOU, so use what
feels like it is the best next step.
AND if you would like to purchase and own this series you can
do so here: http://www.healingwiththemasters.com/buy.htm. Use
these audios as a daily practice to shift into the you, you are
looking for.
Thanks as always for joining me on these juicy life adventures!
Love, light and laughter,
Jennifer McLean
McLean MasterWorks
4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA
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