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domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

YEE HAA It's HERE TONIGHT ~ Men, Sex, Dating, Instincts, Partnership all F*R*E*E*

Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

IT'S HERE, starting TONIGHT at 5 PM pacific/California time, the
posts are opening up for you to watch the Alison Armstrong Videoshp
on MasterWorks Healing Membership site. Discover never before
revealed information on Sex, Dating, Par tnership and SO MUCH MORE.

Register now... you only have 48 hours to watch each show FR*EE

...and you won't want to miss a single minute of this FR*EE
consisting of 6 amazing - 1 hour each - video recordings
of Alison's profound content about MEN -- who they are why they are
and how we can understand them in a way that we as women are
receiving what we need and desire AND the men are happy and
supported too.

It STARTS TONIGHT August 15 at 5 PM Pacific/California time
and send this to friends and family, you just might save some

Alison Armstrong the expert on men and transformational educato r
and I got down into it and conversed in depth about men and
women, the masculine and feminine, about how we can relate
and how we can be in authentic partnership (even if that feels


I want you to know that each 1 hour session was so powerful that
the studio audience kept asking if they could stay for the next,
and the next and the next... Our studio audience grew to where
we couldn't put in one more chair... you will definitely want
to watch to see why they didn’t want to leave.

This is a once in a lifetime chance to experience THE BEST OF
Alison Armstrong F*REE
.  Alison and I got together in advance
and pla nned out these shows so they built on top of one another
and delivered the juiciest morsels of Alison’s life changing
content.So start at the begining TOMORROW.


This no cost event is my gift to you, to assist you in
creating meaningful partnerships with those you love (AND
those whom it might seem difficult to love

Alison has been studying men for two decades and has discovered
wonderful things about how men and women interact. In this
videoshop, Alison will be teaching us some of her most
favorite topics... NEW and OLD

This workshop isn't just about understanding men and women,
it's about creating meaningful relationships in ALL areas of our
lives. As you kn ow I ADORE Alison and I am regularly amazed at the
original, thoughtful and life changing content that she delivers.
I talk about her all the time, if you have ever heard me talk about
the horses and how my life has been transformed by that experience
then PLEASE catch this material. Alison shares the most remarkable
information in a format that has NEVER been offered before

For more info and to register:

The “videoshop” program is put on through my very own MasterWorks
Healing Memberships
site (where I also deliver group Body
Dialoging sessions).

While Alison’s Videoshop program is fr-ee to you right now,
those who become members can own the audio downloads of
Alison’s series and can experience the archived reco rdings
of my shows and participate live in my future shows (maybe
even get a one-on-one session in this group coaching
environment). Once you register for free you will have an
opportunity to join at a 50% discount… this of course
is optional.


So please join us by registering now to this complimentary 6-episode
videoshop series and get ready to apply the material in your life
immediately. AND invite your friends and family... you just might save
a few relationships!


Thanks so very much for joining me on these juicy spiritual
adventures! Woo hoo!

Love, light and laugh ter,

Jennifer McLean

McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

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