Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]
WOW there is so many wonderful things showing up some of which
are actually coming through me to you! I am thrilled to share
with you my latest creation, The Big Book of YOU Second Edition,
LAUNCHING TODAY (AND get a over $100 is gifts too)
You are lik ely already aware of my theme of... Are you ready
to rediscover the joy in your life...
Truly... Imagine being able to elegantly and lovingly manage
whatever shows up in your life in way that not only serves
you but serves others (maybe even the planet).
I believe that is possible with my book, which was so popular
the first time around it sold out completely! The Big Book
of YOU offers a wonderful set of easy to read guiding principles,
compelling philosophies, and sound bites of meaningful quotes
that have guided thousands to view their lives in wonderful new
ways. It has opened up doors for many to see, sense and
experience their lives as “juicy adventures of thriving”, instead
of “challenging lessons of surviving.”
It has actually done this for me. The principles and philosophy's
that I am offering in this boo k are what I live by. You will see
from the video (on the Big Book of YOU site) taken on the balcony
of my new beautiful beach front home that these principles work to
create new grace, ease peace, abundance and love... they worked
for me I KNOW they can work for you too.
Know also that this healing book has energy imbued within it,
intended to raise your vibration (and just by holding it). You
might even feel a little love jolt right now as you consider
owning this labor of love, from me to you
==> http://www.bigbookofyou.com
The Big Book of YOU Second Edition is a hard copy book (in
a manageable small size) that offers poetry, artwork and
photography on the left pages (representing the feminine),
and text covering life guiding principles on the right pages
(indicative of the more linear aspect of the masculine).
The new edition has additional explanations of the material
not included in the first edition. AND it is beautiful, we
re-did it with a new openness and magic in the artwork. So
even if you own the first edition you might consider
upgrading to this one.
Every bit of this book has been planned out to address
learning styles, deliver healing energy, and guide you to...
Many of you know me as the host and interviewer on Healing
With the Masters, what you might not know is that I am also
a fairly well know healer, with my Body Dialoging system of
healing I share that through the advanced MasterWorks Healing
Membership Site and of course through this book, The Big Book
of YOU.
I have taken my almost three decades of spiritual adventures
and captured them is this heartfelt book. From what I have
heard from readers you won’t want to p ut it down.
AND it makes a lovely coffee table addition that can entice
even the novice seeker to take a closer look.
So, if you act right now you can own this book at a special
sale price AND if you act in the next 24 hours you can also
receive over $1000 in gifts, representing more than 80 bonus
gift items all holding the intention of expanding your
consciousness. All this is yours just for purchasing The Big
Book of YOU.
==> http://www.bigbookofyou.com
I hope you will come over right now and check all this out;
it is only available for a limited time... I promise you, you’ll
be glad you did.
Thanks so very much for joining me on these juicy spiritual
adventures! Woo hoo!
Love, light and laughter,
P.S. remember you only have a limited time to take advantage
of this unique offer and life-changing book. So go now, and
get ready to shift into the next best version of YOU.
==> http://www.bigbookofyou.com
Jennifer McLean
McLean MasterWorks
4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA
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