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lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

SPECIAL Week for you this week: Carol Look on Abudnance, Shirley McLaine and Marianne Williamson WOW

Hi Sri,
Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS!
[If you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

WOW! What an amazing call we had with Marianne Williamson and
Sam Daley-Harris for the f*ree call offered on Thursday. They
both eloquently and passionately outlined the challenges of
poverty and hunger in the children of the world and how we
can make a difference.
It was mov ing, poignant and compelling.


You definitely want to catch this one, the replay is now
available AND you can also DOWNLOAD this for your permanent
spiritual library
, to listen in your car, at the gym and share
with your friends.

This replay of Marianne's call is F*R*E*E that will add a new level
of understanding to what you may be looking for in your life
AND how to make a difference in the world.


She also shared about her upcoming Sister Giant event taking
place the last weekend in Feb
. This seminar / conference
speaks to the role of women at this pi votal moment in history.
It's a critically important time to transition from disastrous
probabilities to fantastic possibilities, and women can lead
the way.

If you are a woman who feels a prompting in your heart that
goes something like this: "Okay, it's time. I might not be
perfect, but I'm good enough. And I'm ready,"
then this
invitation is for you.

It is time for women truly stand up claim their power for
themselves and their planet
, this very important call, and
the Sister Giant weekend workshop Marianne will also be sharing
during this call, is the path to your power. Imagine the high
vibrating energy of this special weekend full of empowered woman
on task to change themselves and shift the global energy to love,
through our own intentions and actions.

Marianne’s Sister Giant event will be one of those important moments
in your life that < b>you look back on as a turning point for yourself,
and to the many lives you will touch through this event.

On February 26, 27 and 28, 2010, Marianne will be hosting this
weekend gathering called SISTER GIANT: Rousing the Sleeping 
Giant of American Womanhood.

During SISTER GIANT, Marianne and her guests will review the historic
forces that quelled the voice of the Western woman, as well as those
that both challenge and invite us to speak our truth now. I hope you
will come to Los Angeles on February 26th to join with other women
who feel moved to both find our greatness and to do something great.

Marianne will help us to journey from an understanding of our history...
to a reclaiming of our personal power .... and ultimately to a vital
commitment— to be a powerful collective force in eradicating hunger
and poverty on the planet today. It is time for us to change the world.

Through this event you will be guided to look within, and look without.
In partnership with the RESULTS organization, they will form a women's
delegation to the regional Microcredit Conference in Nairobi, Kenya,
in April 2010. (This could be you?)

Sister Giant Link:

I will definitely be there, and I hope to see you there as well!

Many blessings,

P.S. Put Tuesday Jan 19 4 PM pacific/California time in your calendar
for a VERY special call about ABUNDANCE, from the most renowned abundant
expert and EFT MASTER Carol Look. More information to come tomorrow!

Jennifer McLean

Jennifer McLean

4533 MacArthur Blvd #245
Newport Beach, CA

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