Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]
Virtual Online Summer Extravaganza...
My friend Dr. Ellie Drake (who will be an upcoming guest on the
newest seasong --Volume 6-- of Healing With The Masters) has made
a name for herself as one of the most inspiring and dynamic people
supporting women.
She is the founder of one of the largest online social networks
for inspired and entrepreneurial women
Ellie believes (and I agree with her) that women can
really change their own lives and even contribute
globally when they come together.
This is not to leave men out... if you participated
in Alison Armstrong's recent Videoshop series you
witnessed first hand how men are such beautiful and
wonderful partners in this juicy adventure of life.
But sometimes we women need a little boost amongst
our own, right?
So, Ellie is offering this Fr-ee Summer Extravaganza
where she will interview some of the most amazing
and successful women of today!
And check this out...
Ellie already has the support of leaders and
celebrities like Dr. Maya Angelou, Leeza Gibbons,
Mariel Hemmingway, Susan Anton, and Lisa Nichols
of 'The Secret' fame. If people like this believe
in Ellie and her cause for women, don't you think
there's something to it? Yup, there definitely IS!
Here's some of what you'll discover when you attendthe Virtual Online Summer Extravaganza for free:
astronomically more results in less time, with less
effort (you'll be astonished at how productive you are
with this devastatingly easy change);
==> How the thoughts of successful WOMEN LEADERS ARE
DIFFERENT from the thoughts of average women (and how
those differences play out in all personal and
professional achievements);
==> How to banish useless energy like GUILT, SHAME,
and REGRET from your brain so you can stop beating
yourself up (women in particular play out negative
emotions over and over in their heads, making them
feel horrible);
==> How to buck the PROCRASTINATION PATTERN any of us
can slip into (you can't step up to being your
strongest self if you can't get stuff done);
==> How to INSTANTLY shift your attitude to transform
your personal ability to lead and inspire (moods and
emotions don't have to control your destiny);
==> How to easily break down and dissect the steps of
(it's shockingly simple when it's laid out for you);
==> How to 'DETOX' areas of your life today so you can
realize your dreams and get out of your own way (break
the cycle of repeating habits that don't serve you
==> How to quickly discover your 'LIFE PURPOSE' and
put it into action (the BraveHeart Community is
tailored for meaningful connections and insights);
==> How to easily uncover and OVERCOME BLIND SPOTS
that hold you back from being your most magnificent
self (all too often it is US holding ourselves back);
And, of course, much, much, more.
Get details here:
All you need is an Internet connection and you're in!
The good news is you'll learn real life strategies for
*having it all* as a woman.
I almost forgot to mention the BEST PART. It's
completely F*R*E*E. I know it sounds crazy but Ellie
wants to reach as many women as possible so for a
limited time, this whole Extravaganza costs absolutely
NADA! No strings attached.
This is a powerful group of women who are hungry for
some solid information on how to have it all. It doesn't
have to be so HARD!
I wouldn't recommend this commu nity unless I knew how
much it could help you and other women. I hope you'll
check it out now. You've got nothing to lose!
Thanks as always for joining me on these juicy life adventures!
Love, light and laughter,
P.S. You might also want to check out the launch of the
second edition of my own The Big Book of YOU. They are
selling like hot cakes AND you will receive $1000 in
bonus gifts just for purchasing! WOO HOO (You will also
get a peak at my new home on the beach.)
==> http://www.bigbookofyou.com
Jennifer McLean
McLean MasterWorks
4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA
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