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viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

WOW #1: Psychic John Holland, WOW #2: Karim Hajee offer is BACK on Healing With the Masters

Hi Sri,
Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

We had SUCH an informative call with down to earth, present and
renowned psychic medium John Holland on Healing With the
Masters. This one helped so many of us understand our own
intuition and how to use it

About John:
John Holland is an internationally renowned psychic medium and
spiritual teacher, and author of best selling “Born Knowing.” His public demonstrations provide audiences with a rare glimpse
into the fascinating subject of mediumship, which he delivers
with his unique style, combining subtle humor with the capacity
to link to the Other-Side with clarity and passion.  John is
the author of the best sellers: Power of the Soul, Psychic
Navigator, Born Knowing, and his latest release The Psychic
Tarot Oracle Deck, and his next book The Spirit Whisperer –
Chronicles of a Medium will be released in 2010.

He has starred in several TV specials, including A&E’s
"Mediums: We See Dead People,” which provided a fascinating
insight into how John works as a Psychic Time Machine, where
he’s able to pick up vibrations and detailed information,
whether it’s seen, felt, or heard from a past event. He also
starred in his own pilot “Psychic History” for the History
Karim Hajee - Reposted & Extended offer after so many requests:

Ok this is pretty cool... we’ve had a tremendous amount of
positive response and feedback on Karim Hajee’s special offer
for Creating Power. A number of people have been calling
Karim’s office and emailing me asking to extend his Creating
Power offer
. I just spoke with him and he’s agreed to do just
that – so for the next 3-days you can once again get 20% off on
Creating Power – AND get the personal coaching from Karim...

==> (use
coupon code CP20XJ for an extra 20% OFF
the already dis-counted

ALSO for those that missed his special ca ll on Healing With the
Masters, I have reposted his replay (scroll down it is below
John's replay) so you can experience first hand his passion and
commitment to helping you shift and move into your best you

With creating Power you'll discover the most powerful
techniques to quiet your mind and develop your instincts -- or
intuition -- while eliminating stress and enjoying greater
fulfillment in every aspect of your life. You will accomplish
goals you never dreamed possible.


With this special offer you'll eliminate stress, worry and
anxiety within days
. You begin creating events you thought
would never happen. With Creating Power you'll understand the
principles of the subconscious and discover why short term
tapes or subliminal programs don't work.

Creating Power unlocks your ability to do the things you love
to do - it shows you how to follow your passion. (AND it
includes Personal Coaching PLUS $1500 in extra bonus gifts!).

20% off the ALREADY DISCOUNTED PRICE with this coupon:



About Karim:
Karim Hajee has been teaching people how to improve their lives
and achieve their goals for over 20-years. His best selling
Creating Power System and Power Of Believing book have already
helped people worldwide live the life they want. A former award
winning journalist, he has become the expert for the Law Of
Attraction at For more than 20-years he's been
helping people worldwide how to understand and apply the
thought process known as mind power – he has done this with the
Creating Power system, as well as, the Power Of Believing,
Creating Wealth, Power Affirmations and other material.

Through this work he has discovered that the power of the mind
can be easily accessed through a simple and effective system
which he teaches in his Creating Power system.

Mind power is about more than just positive thinking and
affirmations. Once you realize that it is the power of your
thoughts and beliefs that create your reality, you will begin
to pay close attention to the thoughts you’re thinking and
begin to better understand how your beliefs shape your life.


NEXT WEEK: Tuesday, The renowned Dr. David Simon of the Chopra
AND Thursday the amazing science and spirituality synthesizer

DATES: Sept 29 - Dec 17

DAYS: EACH Tuesday AND Thursday

TIMES: 4PM pacific/Los Angeles, 5PM Mountain, 6PM Central 7PM
Eastern/New York (for a time zone conversion click here:

DIAL IN INFO and WEBCAST LINKS: this is the site for the full
schedule the dial in information and the links to listen
through a special webcast link (save on long distance calls)

DIAL IN #: 212-461-5800

PIN #: 2922#

This is the link to use to listen to the replay of each call< br />FOR 48 HOURS after each show.

(IF YOU PURCHASED -- please go to the links sent in a separate
email to download and/or listen at your leisure)

REMEMBER, EVERYTHING you need to dial in, see the schedule and
line up of speakers, link to the weekly webcasts (where you can
listen on your computer AND where you ask questions), is found
at this link:
(easy huh?) So BOOKMARK this page.

If you are interested in purchasing this program (and receiving
downloadable bonus gifts from the speakers-- Option 2 & 3), I am
offering all 24 one hour programs packaged at an amazing
price... I am keeping the cost low so everyone can afford it.
Just go to http://www.healingwiththema If you
miss one of your favorite speakers, you will be sure to have it;
if you hear something you want to experience again, you will own
it; if there is a healing technique that can be done again, you
can do it over and over applying it to new situations. Many are
now telling me they are so glad they purchased so they can
experience over and over the meditations, the exercises and the
nuances of the deeper knowledge they are being given.

Thanks for joining us in discovering the art of life mastery!

Many blessings,

Jennifer McLean

Jennifer McLean

4533 MacArthur Blvd #245
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

Right NOW International Psychic John Holland on Healing With the Masters

Hi Sri,
Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

TONIGHT RIGHT NOW the amazing and renowned psychic medium John
on Healing With the Masters. This one will help you
understand your own intuition and how to use it...

John Holland is an internationally renowned psychic medium and
spiritual teacher, and author
of best selling “Born Knowing.”
His public demonstrations provide audiences with a rare glimpse
into the fascinating subject of mediumship, which he delivers
with his unique style, combining subtle humor with the capacity
to link to the Other-Side with clarity and passion.  John has
spent a significant part of his life developing his abilities,
and spent two intensive years studying in the UK, where he
believes that he got the thorough grounding and training to
become a professional medium of absolute integrity. As a
result, he has devoted his life to service and to Spirit.

Holland states: "Mediumship is more than just delivering
messages" he says, "it's about the confirmation and validation
that once our physical body dies, our 'spirit' lives on, but
more importantly how the spirits of our relatives, friends, and
loved ones are still connected to us."

He has starred in several TV specials, including A&E’s
"Mediums: We See Dead People,& rdquo; which provided a fascinating
insight into how John works as a Psychic Time Machine, where
he’s able to pick up vibrations and detailed information,
whether it’s seen, felt, or heard from a past event. He also
starred in his own pilot “Psychic History” for the History

He is the author of the best sellers: Power of the Soul,
Psychic Navigator, Born Knowing
, and his latest release The
Psychic Tarot Oracle Dec
k, and his next book The Spirit
Whisperer – Chronicles of a Medium will be released in 2010

John can be heard every week, as he hosts his own Internet
radio show on Hay House Radio, called “Spirit Connections.”
He’s dedicated to the ongoing development of his unique gift
and brings real integrity to his profession. John says, "If I
can help people connect with someone on the O ther Side, and
bring peace, comfort, and perhaps some closure, then I've done
my job."


You can still listen to the lovely and truly authentic Mike
Robbins call from Tuesday through tonight
until John's show
replaces it:

THIS WEEK: THURSDAY internationally renowned psychic medium and
spiritual teacher John Holland. Another powerful week is afoot!

DATES: Sept 29 - Dec 17

DAYS: EACH Tuesday AND Thursday

TIMES: 4PM pacific/Los Angeles, 5PM Mountain, 6PM Central 7PM
Eastern/New York (for a time zone conversion click here:

DIAL IN INFO and WEBCAST LINKS: this is the site for the full
schedule the dial in information and the links to listen
through a special webcast link (save on long distance calls)

DIAL IN #: 212-461-5800

PIN #: 2922#

REPLAY LINK: http://www.heali
This is the link to use to listen to the replay of each call
FOR 48 HOURS after each show.

(IF YOU PURCHASED -- please go to the links sent in a separate
email to download and/or listen at your leisure)

REMEMBER, EVERYTHING you need to dial in, see the schedule and
line up of speakers, link to the weekly webcasts (where you can
listen on your computer AND where you ask questions), is found
at this link:
(easy huh?) So BOOKMARK this page.

If you are interested in purchasing this program (and receiving
downloadable bonus gifts from the speakers-- Option 2 & 3), I am
offering all 24 one hour programs packaged at an amazing
price... I am keeping the cost low so everyone can afford it.< br />Just go to If you
miss one of your favorite speakers, you will be sure to have it;
if you hear something you want to experience again, you will own
it; if there is a healing technique that can be done again, you
can do it over and over applying it to new situations. Many are
now telling me they are so glad they purchased so they can
experience over and over the meditations, the exercises and the
nuances of the deeper knowledge they are being given.

Thanks for joining us in discovering the art of life mastery!

Many blessings,

Jennifer McLean

Jennifer McLean

4533 MacArthur Blvd #245
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information: