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sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Healing With The Masters Season 6 is HERE - Special Offer Expires Sept 7

Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

Healing With the Masters is BACK for another Season of
shifting, inspiration, laughter and integration! The First
show with Guy Finley will start on Sept 7 at 4 PM pacific/
California time (for dial in and webcast details scroll

As a Valued Subscriber of Healing With the Masters I have
a VERY special offer for you to own this upcoming Season 6
of Healing With the Masters at a marked dis count!  Yep you
get to expereince , Gary Zukav, Dan Millman, Caolroline Myss
Chunyi Lin (Spring Forest Qigong), Neale Donald Walsch and
24 in total on this AMAZING season.
Use coupon code THANKYOU then hit the "Apply" button
for your dis count.

Because you are already registered, you don't have to go
through the registration process again
. AND that also means
you won't have access to the special sales page where new
registrants are offered the opportunity to purchase their
lower priced version of the season.

SO just for you, our current subscribers, we have created a
temporary page where you can use a deeply dis counted coupon...
so you can own what I am feeling is one of the best seasons yet!

Owning means you don't have to worry about all the 48 hour
, you can download and listen at your leisure, in your
car, at the gym, on your walks or with a group of friends.

This is a discount off the sale price... my team is wondering
why I am offering this at such a low price... and it is truly
because I am so grateful to you all, to your ongoing commitment
to your journey, to your genuine focus on evolving yourself
and the plant. When I do my prayers for you each night I see
the light that you are, I see so clearly the spark of the
divine that emanates from you through each action and deed,
and I so want to assist you in shining that light even brighter
into your own darker corners. Your ever expanding brightness in
turn il luminates the darker corners on the planet.

I have heard from thousands how these calls have changed their
lives. I have heard from so many who own these that using them
regularly has made a difference. I simply want that "difference"
to be made for you too.

And for me this is also a thank you (that is why the coupon code
is THANKYOU)... thanks for sticking with me on this juicy life
adventure we are all on. Thanks for making Healing With The
Master the premier and most renowned series out there. And thank
you for your support and love... I feel it, I hear it (even if I
can't always answer your lovely emails).

OK, enough with the mushyness here is what you will receive...

ALL 24 shows, in a downloadable or CD packaged format for just
$42 for download only, $52 for download with transcripts, or $132

for the entire season on CD (if you use your coupon THANKYOU
--please hit the "Apply" button or we can't honor the dis count).


WOW... even I am gulping at that. Where else can you purchase
24, 1-hour audios for $42? That represents over 30 hours of
life changing content that is yours to keep. And that is just
the amazing low price...

NOW feel into your body and ask it how it feels to listen to
these shows over and over. Using many of the amazing techniques
again and again... adding them to your daily practice. Let's push
that visualization out to 3 months having used these techniques
from th e audios daily. NOW how do you feel. Well without even
buying you just raised you vibration simply by feeling into what
is to come on volume 6 of Healing With The Masters... feels good

Just use the coupon code: THANKYOU then hit that "Apply" button
next to the coupon box, watch the dis count show up in your total,
and you a ready to use this amazing content to reach new levels
of heightened awareness. This is a limited time offer... the coupon
is only available for 10 days, then it expires. the special page
with the sale price is will also expire once the first show starts on
Sept 7.

Of course as of right now you can listen to the live show for
fr-ee and to the recording for 48 hours so if purchasing isn't
in the cards then no worries. But if buying these audios feels
right click here: http://www

then use the coupon code THANKYOU hit that "Apply" button and you are
set to receive some rare gifts of deep healing, support and

Here are the details of this season's program...

DATES: September 7 - November 30

DAYS: EACH Tuesday AND Thursday

TIMES: 4PM Pacific/Los Angeles, 5PM Mountain, 6PM Central
7PM Eastern/New York (for a time zone conversion click

(this is the site for the full schedule the dial in
information and the links to listen through a special
webcast  link (to save on long distance calls)

DIAL IN #: (646) 519-5800

PIN #: 6734 # (remember to hit the pound)

This is the link to use to listen to the replay of each
call FOR 48 HOURS after each show.

BLOG RECAPS: If you are looking for some GREAT recaps of each
show check out my blog at

(IF YOU PURCHASED -- please go to the links sent in a
separate email to download and/or listen at your leisure)

REMEMBER, EVERYTHING you need to dial in, see the schedule
and line up of speakers, link to the weekly webcasts (where
you can listen on your computer AND where you ask questions),
is found at this link: (easy huh?)
So BOOKMARK this page.

Regarding Special Offers: with the majority of speakers I
negotiate a special offer on your behalf. If you like what
they are saying I know, at least for me, I would want more
from them. So I create these special offers so you can get
more if you want it, AND at a much reduced rate. I recommend
just feeling into each one and only choose the ones that
resonate. This is all there and created for YOU, so use what
feels like it is the best next step.

AND if you would like to purchase you can do so here:
Use the coupon code THANKYOU and hit the "Apply" button.
Thanks as always for joining me on these juicy life adventures!

Love, light and laughter,

You might also want to check out the launch of the
second edition of my own The Big Book of YOU. They are
selling like hot cakes AND you will receive $1000 in
bonus gifts
just for purchasing! WOO HOO (You will also
get a peak at my new home on the beach.)


Jennifer McLean

McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010


Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

Virtual Online Summer Extravaganza...

My friend Dr. Ellie Drake (who will be an upcoming guest on the
newest seasong --Volume 6-- of Healing With The Masters)
has made
a name for herself as one of the most inspiring and dynamic people
supporting women.

She is the founder of one of the largest online social networks
for inspired and entrepreneurial women

Ellie believes (and I agree with her) that women can
really change their own lives and even contribute
globally when they come together.

This is not to leave men out... if you participated
in Alison Armstrong's recent Videoshop series you
witnessed first hand how men are such beautiful and
wonderful partners in this juicy adventure of life.
But sometimes we women need a little boost amongst
our own, right?

So, Ellie is offering this Fr-ee Summer Extravaganza
where she will interview some of the most amazing
and successful women of today!

And check this out...

Ellie already has the support of leaders and
celebrities like Dr. Maya Angelou, Leeza Gibbons,
Mariel Hemmingway, Susan Anton, and Lisa Nichols
of 'The Secret' fame. If people like this believe
in Ellie and her cause for women, don't you think
there's something to it? Yup, there definitely IS!
Here's some of what you'll discover when you attendthe Virtual Online Summer Extravaganza for free:

astronomically more results in less time, with less
effort (you'll be astonished at how productive you are
with this devastatingly easy change);

==> How the thoughts of successful WOMEN LEADERS ARE
from the thoughts of average women (and how
those differences play out in all personal and
professional achievements);

==> How to banish useless energy like GUILT, SHAME,
from your brain so you can stop beating
yourself up (women in particular play out negative
emotions over and over in their heads, making them
feel horrible);

==> How to buck the PROCRASTINATION PATTERN any of us
can slip into (you can't step up to being your
strongest self if you can't get stuff done);

==> How to INSTANTLY shift your attitude to transform
your personal ability to lead and inspire (moods and
emotions don't have to control your destiny);

==> How to easily break down and dissect the steps of
(it's shockingly simple when it's laid out for you);

==> How to 'DETOX' areas of your life today so you can
realize your dreams and get out of your own way (break
the cycle of repeating habits that don't serve you

==> How to quickly discover your 'LIFE PURPOSE' and
put it into action (the BraveHeart Community is
tailored for meaningful connections and insights);

==> How to easily uncover and OVERCOME BLIND SPOTS
that hold you back from being your most magnificent
self (all too often it is US holding ourselves back);

And, of course, much, much, more.
Get details here:

All you need is an Internet connection and you're in!
The good news is you'll learn real life strategies for
*having it all* as a woman.

I almost forgot to mention the BEST PART.  It's
completely F*R*E*E.
I know it sounds crazy but Ellie
wants to reach as many women as possible so for a
limited time, this whole Extravaganza costs absolutely
NADA! No strings attached.

This is a powerful group of women who are hungry for
some solid information on how to have it all. It doesn't
have to be so HARD!

I wouldn't recommend this commu nity unless I knew how
much it could help you and other women. I hope you'll
check it out now. You've got nothing to lose!

Thanks as always for joining me on these juicy life adventures!

Love, light and laughter,

P.S. You might also want to check out the launch of the
second edition of my own The Big Book of YOU. They are
selling like hot cakes AND you will receive $1000 in
bonus gifts
just for purchasing! WOO HOO (You will also
get a peak at my new home on the beach.)


Jennifer McLean

McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Discover Your FLOW & LOVE ~ Big Book of YOU LAUNCHES TODAY

Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

WOW there is so many wonderful things showing up some of which
are actually coming through me to you! I am thrilled to share
with you my latest creation, The Big Book of YOU Second Edition,
LAUNCHING TODAY (AND get a over $100 is gifts too)

You are lik ely already aware of my theme of... Are you ready
to rediscover the joy in your life...

Truly... Imagine being able to elegantly and lovingly manage
whatever shows up in your life in way that not only serves
you but serves others (maybe even the planet).

I believe that is possible with my book, which was so popular
the first time around it sold out completely! The Big Book
of YOU offers a wonderful set of easy to read guiding principles,
compelling philosophies, and sound bites of meaningful quotes
that have guided thousands to view their lives in wonderful new
ways. It has opened up doors for many to see, sense and
experience their lives as “juicy adventures of thriving”, instead
of “challenging lessons of surviving.”

It has actually done this for me. The principles and philosophy's
that I am offering in this boo k are what I live by. You will see
from the video (on the Big Book of YOU site) taken on the balcony
of my new beautiful beach front home that these principles work to
create new grace, ease peace, abundance and love... they worked
for me I KNOW they can work for you too

Know also that this healing book has energy imbued within it,
intended to raise your vibration (and just by holding it). You
might even feel a little love jolt right now as you consider
owning this labor of love, from me to you


The Big Book of YOU Second Edition is a hard copy book (in
a manageable small size) that offers poetry, artwork and
photography on the left pages (representing the feminine),
and text covering life guiding principles on the right pages
(indicative of the more linear aspect of the masculine).

The new edition has additional explanations of the material
not included in the first edition. AND it is beautiful, we
re-did it with a new openness and magic in the artwork. So
even if you own the first edition you might consider
upgrading to this one.

Every bit of this book has been planned out to address
learning styles, deliver healing energy, and guide you to...

Many of you know me as the host and interviewer on Healing
With the Masters, what you might not know is that I am also
a fairly well know healer, with my Body Dialoging system of
healing I share that through the advanced MasterWorks Healing
Membership Site and of course through this book, The Big Book
of YOU.

I have taken my almost three decades of spiritual adventures
and captured them is this heartfelt book
. From what I have
heard from readers you won’t want to p ut it down.

AND it makes a lovely coffee table addition that can entice
even the novice seeker to take a closer look.

So, if you act right now you can own this book at a special
sale price AND if you act in the next 24 hours you can also
receive over $1000 in gifts, representing more than 80 bonus
gift items all holding the intention of expanding your
consciousness. All this is yours just for purchasing The Big
Book of YOU.


I hope you will come over right now and check all this out;
it is only available for a limited time... I promise you, you’ll
be glad you did.
Thanks so very much for joining me on these juicy spiritual
adventures! Woo hoo!

Love, light and laughter,

P.S. remember you only have a limited time to take advantage
of this unique offer and life-changing book. So go now, and
get ready to shift into the next best version of YOU.


Jennifer McLean

McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

WOW, WOO HOO, YES ~ Men, Sex, Dating, Instincts, Partnership all F*R*E*E*

Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

We are having the most amazing time with Alison's videoshop
... the feedback is in and WE HAVE A HIT. You still have a couple
more hours to register and watch the first show before it is closed to
members only.


The posts are now open to all (non-members and members)
for you to discover never before revealed information on Sex, Dating,
Partnership and SO MUCH MORE.
Episode # 2 is now available too
about The Amazing Development of Men and Women, through the stages
of their lives

Register now... FR*EE

...and you won't want to miss a single minute of this FR*EE
consisting of 6 amazing - 1 hour each - video recordings
of Alison's profound content about MEN -- who they are why they are
and how we can understand them in a way that we as women are
receiving what we need and desire AND the men are happy and
supported too.

It STARTED MONDAY NIGHT and runs through to Friday Aug 20
at 5 PM Pacific/California time. [You might want to send this to
friends and family, you could be saving some relationships!]

Alison Armstrong the expert on men and transformational educator
and I got down into it and conversed in depth about men and
women, the ma sculine and feminine, about how we can relate
and how we can be in authentic partnership (even if that feels



We are also offering a special offer of Alison's amazing products.
Alison teaches almost 300 hours in different workshops on just
some of the topics covered in this videoshop. Most just can't get
enough of this material... so we put together a VERY SPECIAL
of her most popular products at a much lower price point, ALL
JUST FOR YOU! Check it out here:

The F*R*E*E aspect o f this program , the “videoshop” program is
put on through my very own MasterWorks Healing Memberships
site (where I also deliver group Body Dialoging sessions).

While Alison’s Videoshop program is fr-ee to you right now,
those who become members can own the audio downloads of
Alison’s series and can experience the archived recordings
of my shows and participate live in my future shows (maybe
even get a one-on-one session in this group coaching
environment). Once you register for free you will have an
opportunity to join at a 50% discount… this of course
is optional.


Thanks so very much for joining me on these juicy spiritual
adventures! Woo hoo!

Love, light and laughter,

Jennifer McLean

McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

Did you register? Men, Sex, Dating, Instincts, Partnership all F*R*E*E*

Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

We had a few glitches with this exciting FR-EE event
of the Alison
Armstrong Videoshop
the first night (all of which is now fixed HOORAY!) 
SOOO we s a result we are extending the first post an extra 24 hours...
that means YOU can still register TODAY and have 48 hours to

The posts are now open to all (non-members and members)
for you to discover never before revealed information on Sex, Dating,
Partnership and SO MUCH MORE.
Episode # 2 is now available too
about The Amazing Development of Men and Women, through the stages
of their lives

R egister now... FR*EE

...and you won't want to miss a single minute of this FR*EE
consisting of 6 amazing - 1 hour each - video recordings
of Alison's profound content about MEN -- who they are why they are
and how we can understand them in a way that we as women are
receiving what we need and desire AND the men are happy and
supported too.

It STARTED LAST NIGHT and runs through to Friday Aug 20 at 5 PM
Pacific/California time. [You might want to send this to friends and
family, you could be saving some relationships!]

Alison Armstrong the expert on men and transformational educator
and I got d own into it and conversed in depth about men and
women, the masculine and feminine, about how we can relate
and how we can be in authentic partnership (even if that feels



We are also offering a special offer of Alison's amazing products.
Alison teaches almost 300 hours in different workshops on just
some of the topics covered in this videoshop. Most just can't get
enough of this material... so we put together a VERY SPECIAL
of her most popular products at a much lower price point, ALL
JUST FOR YOU! Check it out here:

The F*R*E*E aspect of this program , the “videoshop” program is
put on through my very own MasterWorks Healing Memberships
site (where I also deliver group Body Dialoging sessions).

While Alison’s Videoshop program is fr-ee to you right now,
those who become members can own the audio downloads of
Alison’s series and can experience the archived recordings
of my shows and participate live in my future shows (maybe
even get a one-on-one session in this group coaching
environment). Once you register for free you will have an
opportunity to join at a 50% discount… this of course
is optional.

< span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">
Thanks so very much for joining me on these juicy spiritual
adventures! Woo hoo!

Love, light and laughter,

Jennifer McLean

McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

YEE HAA It's HERE TONIGHT ~ Men, Sex, Dating, Instincts, Partnership all F*R*E*E*

Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

IT'S HERE, starting TONIGHT at 5 PM pacific/California time, the
posts are opening up for you to watch the Alison Armstrong Videoshp
on MasterWorks Healing Membership site. Discover never before
revealed information on Sex, Dating, Par tnership and SO MUCH MORE.

Register now... you only have 48 hours to watch each show FR*EE

...and you won't want to miss a single minute of this FR*EE
consisting of 6 amazing - 1 hour each - video recordings
of Alison's profound content about MEN -- who they are why they are
and how we can understand them in a way that we as women are
receiving what we need and desire AND the men are happy and
supported too.

It STARTS TONIGHT August 15 at 5 PM Pacific/California time
and send this to friends and family, you just might save some

Alison Armstrong the expert on men and transformational educato r
and I got down into it and conversed in depth about men and
women, the masculine and feminine, about how we can relate
and how we can be in authentic partnership (even if that feels


I want you to know that each 1 hour session was so powerful that
the studio audience kept asking if they could stay for the next,
and the next and the next... Our studio audience grew to where
we couldn't put in one more chair... you will definitely want
to watch to see why they didn’t want to leave.

This is a once in a lifetime chance to experience THE BEST OF
Alison Armstrong F*REE
.  Alison and I got together in advance
and pla nned out these shows so they built on top of one another
and delivered the juiciest morsels of Alison’s life changing
content.So start at the begining TOMORROW.


This no cost event is my gift to you, to assist you in
creating meaningful partnerships with those you love (AND
those whom it might seem difficult to love

Alison has been studying men for two decades and has discovered
wonderful things about how men and women interact. In this
videoshop, Alison will be teaching us some of her most
favorite topics... NEW and OLD

This workshop isn't just about understanding men and women,
it's about creating meaningful relationships in ALL areas of our
lives. As you kn ow I ADORE Alison and I am regularly amazed at the
original, thoughtful and life changing content that she delivers.
I talk about her all the time, if you have ever heard me talk about
the horses and how my life has been transformed by that experience
then PLEASE catch this material. Alison shares the most remarkable
information in a format that has NEVER been offered before

For more info and to register:

The “videoshop” program is put on through my very own MasterWorks
Healing Memberships
site (where I also deliver group Body
Dialoging sessions).

While Alison’s Videoshop program is fr-ee to you right now,
those who become members can own the audio downloads of
Alison’s series and can experience the archived reco rdings
of my shows and participate live in my future shows (maybe
even get a one-on-one session in this group coaching
environment). Once you register for free you will have an
opportunity to join at a 50% discount… this of course
is optional.


So please join us by registering now to this complimentary 6-episode
videoshop series and get ready to apply the material in your life
immediately. AND invite your friends and family... you just might save
a few relationships!


Thanks so very much for joining me on these juicy spiritual
adventures! Woo hoo!

Love, light and laugh ter,

Jennifer McLean

McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

F*R*E*E* Making Sence of Men + Authentic Partnerships 6 SHOWS STARTS TOMORROW

Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]


... and you won't want to miss a single
minute, so go now and register for this FR*EE VIDEOSHOP
of 6
amazing - 1 hour each - video recordings of Al ison's profound content
about MEN -- who they are why they are and how we can understand
them in a way that we as women are receiving what we need and desire
AND the men are happy and supported too.

It STARTS THIS SUNDAY August 15 at 5 PM Pacific/California time

Alison Armstrong the expert on men and transformational educator
and I got down into it and conversed in depth about men and
women, the masculine and feminine, about how we can relate
and how we can be in authentic partnership (even if that feels


I want you to know that each 1 hour session was so powe rful that
the studio audience kept asking if they could stay for the next,
and the next and the next... Our studio audience grew to where
we couldn't put in one more chair... you will definitely want
to watch to see why they didn’t want to leave.

This is a once in a lifetime chance to experience THE BEST OF
Alison Armstrong F*REE
.  Alison and I got together in advance
and planned out these shows so they built on top of one another
and delivered the juiciest morsels of Alison’s life changing
content.So start at the begining TOMORROW.


This no cost event is my gift to you, to assist you in
creating meaningful partnerships with those you lo ve (AND
those whom it might seem difficult to love

Alison has been studying men for two decades and has discovered
wonderful things about how men and women interact. In this
videoshop, Alison will be teaching us some of her most
favorite topics... NEW and OLD

This workshop isn't just about understanding men and women,
it's about creating meaningful relationships in ALL areas of our
lives. As you know I ADORE Alison and I am regularly amazed at the
original, thoughtful and life changing content that she delivers.
I talk about her all the time, if you have ever heard me talk about
the horses and how my life has been transformed by that experience
then PLEASE catch this material. Alison shares the most remarkable
information in a format that has NEVER been offered before

For more info and to register:

The “videoshop” program is put on through my very own MasterWorks
Healing Memberships
site (where I also deliver group Body
Dialoging sessions).

While Alison’s Videoshop program is fr-ee to you right now,
those who become members can own the audio downloads of
Alison’s series and can experience the archived recordings
of my shows and participate live in my future shows (maybe
even get a one-on-one session in this group coaching
environment). Once you register for free you will have an
opportunity to join at a 50% discount… this of course
is optional.


So please join us by registering now to this complimentary 6-episode
videoshop series and get ready to apply the material in your life
immediately. AND invite your friends and family... you just might save
a few relationships!


Recently I had a chat with my personal friend, the internationally respected,
best selling author Dr. Joe Rubino. He mentioned that he had made a dramatic
discovery that directly relates to anyone’s ability to attract their dream life.

Extensive research has shown that over 85% of us have some degree of Self-
Esteem deficit! When you look around you at those suffering with self esteem
issues you this statistic is less surprising than at first glanc e.

The worst part about it is that a deficiency in your self-esteem level is often so

subtle that you don’t readily notice it until you thoroughly examine yourself. This
is why I often suggest the notion of “noticing,” “paying attention,” “being present.”
Dr Rubino goes even deeper…

Over the past 19 years, Dr Rubino has personally coached thousands of people to
make their lives and businesses work more optimally. His research and coaching
experiences convinced him that diminished Self-Esteem is the #1 cause of not
living one’s dream life.

Not having strong self-esteem in every area of your life almost invariably leads to
things like:

* Fear of Failure
* Procrastination
* Feeling Unfulfilled
* Being Frustrated or Angry
* Feeling Unloved or Unlovable
* Feeling Nervous or Shy
* Being Indecisive
* And many more uncomf ortable feelings that keep you from realizing your full
potential and attracting abundance, meaningful relationships, happiness, and

Dr. Rubino has created a free 45 minute audio recording called “7 Steps to
Soaring Self Esteem” that will explain all about how you can reclaim your self-
esteem and live your best life. Joe and I are making it available to you along
with a complimentary membership in his Success Club ($129 Value, Yours!) just for checking out the work Dr Rubino does do to champion self-
esteem at

You’ll learn more about the book that thousands have called “life-changing” - “The
Self-Esteem Book: The Ultimate Guide to Boost the Most Underrated Ingredient
for Success and Happiness in Life.” This book shares the proven methodology
that he has used over and over again to assist people in improving their lives. So
many have found this book to be truly life-impacting, I believe that you will too!

Pick up your free gifts now at…

…and move into an even better, happier, fulfilled YOU.

Thanks so very much for joining me on these juicy spiritual
adventures! Woo hoo!

Love, light and laughter,

Jennifer McLean

McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

THE BEST of Alison (Maing Sense of Men Videoshop (F*R*E*E -- Starts Sunday)

Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If
you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

Did you see that? YES, a FR*EE VIDEOSHOP of 6 amazing - 1 hour
each - video recordings of Alison's amazing content about MEN

Alison Armstrong the expert on men and transformational educator
and I got d own into it and conversed in depth about men and
women, the masculine and feminine, about how we can relate
and how we can be in authentic partnership (even if that feels

I want you to know that each 1 hour session was so powerful that
the studio audience kept asking if they could stay for the next,
and the next and the next... Our studio audience grew to where
we couldn't put in one more chair... you will definitely want
to watch to see why they didn’t want to leave.

This is a once in a lifetime chance to experience THE BEST OF
Alison Armstrong F*REE
.  Alison and I got together in advance
and planned out these shows so they built on top of one another
and delivered the juiciest morsels of Alison ’s life changing



This no cost event is my gift to you, to assist you in
creating meaningful partnerships with those you love (AND
those whom it might seem difficult to love

Alison has been studying men for two decades and has discovered
wonderful things about how men and women interact. In this
videoshop, Alison will be teaching us some of her most
favorite topics... NEW and OLD

This workshop isn't just about understanding men and women,
it's about creating meaningful relationships in ALL areas of our
lives. As you know I ADORE Alison and I am regularly amazed at the
original, thoughtful and life changing content that she delivers.
I talk about her all the time, if you have ever heard me talk about
the horses and how my life has been transformed by that experience
then PLEASE catch this material. Alison shares the most remarkable
information in a format that has NEVER been offered before

For more info and to register:

The “videoshop” program is put on through my very own MasterWorks
Healing Memberships
site (where I also deliver group Body
dialoging sessions).

While Alison’s Videoshop program is fr-ee to you right now,
those who become members can own the audio downloads of
Alison’s series and can experience the archived recordings
of my shows and participate live in my future shows (maybe
even get a one-on-one session in this group coaching
envir onment). Once you register for free you will have an
opportunity to join at a 50% discount… this of course
is optional.


So please join us by registering now to this complimentary 6-episode
videoshop series and get ready to apply the material in your life
immediately. AND invite your friends and family... you just might save
a few relationships!


I have been a fan of Spiritual Cinema for YEARS. I just love
that there are actually so many rich and wonderful life filling
 movies out there and Spiritual Cinema finds them for us (and
mails them to us). It is a beautiful thing. Well here is a GREAT
new one about Healing With the Masters Speaker, Jack Canfield...


Many, many years ago, a $600-million-dollar man changed the life
of JACK CANFIELD, who has become America’s #1 success coach, the
co-author of the most successful book series in history, Chicken
Soup for the Soul, and one of the stars of the film The Secret.
Find out in the new original Gaiam series, ENCOUNTERS: Portraits of
Inspiring Lives. In this up-close and personal film, Jack reveals
little-known stories about his early childhood, lifelong dreams,
and personal philosophy.

Thanks to our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle,
you can receive this video of Jack Canfield, along with the feature
film Broken Hill and two short films, for just a small shipping fee
To see the trailer and start your free trial click here:


Enjoy the movies!
Thanks so very much for joining me on these juicy spiritual
adventures! Woo hoo!

Love, light and laughter,

Jennifer McLean

McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Spiritual Cinema AND Make Sense of Men F*R*E*E (2 AMAZING programs!)

Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If you have problems with links in this email simply copy and paste them into your browser.]

TWO amazing and inspirational items in today's email... both will change the way you look at the world I promise...

Spiritual Cinema...

ENCOUNTERS: Portraits of Inspiring Lives

Jack Canfield

I have been a fan of Spiritual  cinema for YEARS. I just love that there are actually so many rich and wonderful life filling movies out there and Spiritual Cinema finds them for us (and mails them to us). It is a beautiful thing. Well here is a GREAT new one about Healing With the Masters Speaker Jack Canfield...


Many, many years ago, a $600-million-dollar man changed the life of JACK CANFIELD, who has become America’s #1 success coach, the co-author of the most successful book series in history, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and one of the stars of the film The Secret.

Find out in the new original Gaiam series, ENCOUNTERS: Portraits of Inspiring Lives. In this up-close and personal film, Jack reveals little-known stories about his early childhood, lifelong dreams, and personal philosophy.

Thanks to our friends at Spiritual Cinema Circle , you can receive this video of Jack Canfield, along with the feature film Broken Hill and two short films, for just a small shipping fee*. To see the trailer and start your free trial click here!

Enjoy the movies!
MAKING SENSE OF MEN (AND yourself) in new F*R*E*E 6-Part Videoshop on MasterWorks Healing Membership site...

I am so excited to invite you to an amazing 6-day series about men… well about men and women, the masculine and feminine, about us and how we relate, how we can be in authentic partnership (even if that feels impossible).

The “videoshop” program is put on through my own MasterWorks Healing Memberships site  and is absolutely F*R*E*E. It starts on Sunday August 15 and runs 6 consecutive days.


Yeah you read that right, it is yet another thing that is offered at no cost to you. It is my gift to you, to assist you in creating meaningful partnerships with those you love (AND those whom it might seem difficult to love). The wonderful transformational teacher that is presenting this insightful material is Alison Armstrong CEO of PAX.

Alison has been studying men for two decades and has discovered wonderful things about how men and women interact. In this videoshop, Alison will be teaching us some of her most favorite topics... NEW and OLD.

This workshop isn't just about understanding men and women. It's about creating meaningful relationships in ALL areas of our lives.

As you know I ADORE Alison and I am regularly amazed at the original, thoughtful and life changing content that she delivers. I talk about her all the time, if you have ever heard me talk about the horses and how my life has been transformed by that experience then PLEASE catch this material. Alison shares the most remarkable information in a format that has NEVER been offered before!

This incredible series, which could easily sell for over $1000, is fr-ee!  You won't find Alison’s material anywhere in this format… in fact she is even sharing brand new content that has only been reveal at the most advanced levels of her seminars. What you will find here is a succinct, relevant, and quite magical experience of men, women, instinct, human spirit, sex, dating, partnership, and much more.

For more info and to register ==>

MasterWorks Healing is a wonderful community of likeminded individuals that are guided to go deeper and explore the possibilities of experiencing a masterful life.

While Alison’s Videoshop program is fr-ee to you right now, those who become members can own the audio downloads of Alison’s series and can experience the archived recordings of my shows and the other 8 remarkable healing contributors (maybe even experience your own a one-on-one session in this group coaching environment). Once you register for the free videoshop series with Alison you will have an opportunity to join at a 50% discountthis of course is optional.


So please join us by registering now to this complimentary 6-episode videoshop series and get ready to apply the material in your life immediately.
Thanks so very much for joining me on these juicy spiritual adventures! Woo hoo!

Love, light and laughter,


Jennifer McLean


McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

To update your contact information:

miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

Connecting Science and Spirituality - The Aware Show

Hi Sri,
Thanks so much for being part of this loving community,
simply by being part of this list you are increasing
your vibration and contributing that to the world.
Know that I send everyone Ho'oponopono prayers each
night... like a permanent prayer circle (I love you,
thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS! [If you have
problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

The Aware Show is at it again and has created a
wonderful series with some amazing guests AND they
have invited me to join them!

The concept is Connecting Science and Spirituality...
The gap between science and spirituality is being
filled every day. Science is validating what w e
have known and felt for so long and is very helpful
when it comes to grasping an understanding of how
and why we do the things we do. This knowledge can
lead to breakthroughs in healing, prosperity,
better relationships and so much more.

And attending this teleconference won't cost you a dime.

The Aware Show teleseminar and it's produced by Lisa
Garr the Host of The Aware Show Teleseminar. Lisa
Garr has dedicated her life to the awareness of herself
and her surroundings. Based on a desire to live in a
more conscious world, Lisa created The Aware Show, a
talk radio program focusing on self development in
all areas of life, for healing and achievement. For
the past ten years, Lisa has hosted an hour of
programming featuring best-selling authors and
experts in the fields of natural health and personal
growth. She is considered an expert in the field of
lifestyle and transformational programming.

Watch Lisa's cool video and sign up here...


Lisa will be interviewing me and 23 other of the
world's top thought leaders about how to achieve the
relationship you've always dreamed of having.

Here is a sampling of the amazing experts who will
be joining me as a part of this series...

Wayne Dyer Ph.D., Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Sylvia
Browne, Bruce Lipton and of course, me, Jennifer McLean!
You can hear me on Thursday, August 12, 2010. there are
24 in total, wow click the link and check out the rest of this
amazing lineup!

We'll be sharing the best of the best strategies,
tactics and processes we know to help you get from
where you are to where you want to be faster and
easier than ever before.

This three month weekly training is completely free
to you! You can reserve your spot by clicking on this link now:


REMEMBER to catch my show NEXT WEEK August 12 to start
the series off AND they have finagled an AMAZING special offer
from me that will blow your socks off!

Thanks so very much for joining me on these juicy spiritual
adventures! Woo hoo!

Love, light and laughter,


P.S. ALSO keep Sunday August 15 on your calendar
... we will be
launching a week long 6 show video series with the AMAZING Alison
Armstrong ( This is LIFE CHANGING material
and can help you create PEACE in all your relationships... I promise.
Watch for ema ils next week with details.

Jennifer McLean

McLean MasterWorks

4533 MacArthur Blvd
Newport Beach, CA

If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:

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