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jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

The Order Of The Red Hand - Secret Of The Andes

The Order Of The Red Hand - Secret Of The Andes

-Viracocha -

Viracocha: According to the myth, Viracocha rose from Lake Titicaca during the time of darkness to bring forth light. He made the sun, moon, and the stars. He made mankind by breathing into stones, but his first creations were brainless giants that displeased him. So he destroyed them with a flood and made new, better ones from smaller stones.

Viracocha eventually disappeared across the Pacific Ocean (by walking on the water), and never returned.

Almighty God Is The God Of

"The Brotherhood Of The Seven Rays"

"Almighty God is the God of the seven Spirits! He is also the seven eyes and the seven stars; he opens the seven seals, and he fully unfolds what is in the scroll. He has already started to sound the seven trumpets, and the seven bowls. The seven plagues are under his control and will fall according to his will. O, seven thunders that have been sealed up since the beginning! The time to be unleashed has come! The One who will unleash the seven thunders has appeared before our eyes!" says Almighty God, Christ of the endtimes...

*** The Holy Spirit Testifies...
To What The WORD Became Flesh Is Saying To Every Church

"I have sought many people on earth to be my followers, and of all these followers, some are priests, some are leaders, some are sons, some are the people of God, and some are also servants. I divide up people into their categories according to their loyalty." says Almighty God, Christ of the endtimes, the WORD became flesh the second time...

*** Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen

Machu Picchu -

Secret Of The Andes


The Order Of The Red Hand


Click above for a biography

The Order Of The Red Hand

Secrets Of The Andes

The Order of the Red Hand - PART VII

The scriptorium of the Monastery (in Peru) is under the direction of its Prior, Brother Philip. This chamber houses documents and records, codices and parchments of the world’s greatest and most ancient civilizations. Rome, Greece, Egypt and Babylonia, Crete and China, Tibet and Troy, Atlantis, Mu and Adoma, and even earlier. From such hidden libraries as this will come forth from all the Inner Retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, the old and true history of our planet and its great revelation for modern man. Man will be greatly surprised when he discovers history as it really happened! Previously, the dark forces have written history as they wished it to be interpreted.

The ancient Order of the Red Hand has worked throughout Earth’s history in the preservation of the Secret Wisdom, the Arcane Knowledge. Members of this Order are guardians of Earth’s vast storehouse of treasure more precious than gold or gems. It is they who hold the secrets that are man’s heritage in South America.

This continent was not merely a vast area colonized on its west coast by Lemurians, and on its east by Atlanteans. While it is true that those two great civilizations of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans did colonize parts of South America, this was only a few thousand years ago just before the final destruction of the Motherlands (about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago). What, then, existed before Atlantean and Lemurian cultural influence on the great South American Continent?

On May 27, 1957, an ancient secret, heretofore known only to the highest teachers, was revealed to the Outer world through the Abbey. It was appropriate that this information be first given from South America where the events related took place in the dim past.

The Great White Brotherhood decided that it was time for such secrets to be given out in conformity with its three decisions of 1956. The startling secret was that South America existed side by side with Atlantis and Mu as a third great world civilization. Not just a colony but a civilization in its own right, an Amazonian Empire which was culturally ahead of its more famous and well-known neighbors in the nearby oceans. Its architecture was more magnificent, its science outshadowed all others while its people were physically the most beautiful upon the Earth. In many ways it acted as Mentor to the kings, priests and teachers of the two better known Lost Continents of Earth.

It differs from them in yet another respect. While they both sank under the ocean waves, it remained always above the water, shrouded in dense jungle, waiting for re-discovery in an age when man would lose his hunger for gold alone and would not seek this Empire’s material wealth but would search out its greater, treasures, the keys to a more abundant and longer life, knowledge that would eventually present the Universe itself at man’s feet.

Yet, is it not a Lost Continent also? It may just as well have been under water, for few men have sought its truths, and those that did have either disappeared in the Green Hell of the jungle or the forgetfulness of Time itself. Now, in the fullness of that time, the Hierarchy has decreed that the “Secret Places of the Most High” shall give up their Knowledge to that will remain upon the Earth in the days immediately following world-wide catastrophe. That same Remnant will use this ancient wisdom in a New World that will once again be brought into the Interplanetary Brotherhood of our Solar System. Mankind will, indeed, begin its eternal march across Time and the Stars.

Records of Mu’s history and downfall, of the fate of Atlantis, and of the secrets of the enlightened Amazonian Empire known in legends as Paititi and of the Cyclops (El's) who came to Earth a billion years ago, and of the inhabitants of interstellar space, exist in special hidden chambers in the great Lost Cities of the unexplored interior of South America.

While it is true that our brothers from space will teach us much in our New Age, they also tell us that it is far better if we regain once more the so-called lost knowledge of the Earth’s Golden or Saturnian Age when men spoke with the gods and with the angels. They tell us that such knowledge is our true heritage, and belongs to all Truth-seeking men of Earth. It is a Divine Gift from the Eternal Father, and the Son is now ready for his inheritance. Therefore, we need not rely only on great intelligence that is extra-terrestrial, for we have our own knowledge that will lead us forward to where we can stand side by side with our planetary brothers and sisters. Man can look to the skies of Earth for guidance at this time, but for scientific knowledge he can look to her secret places, where Mother Earth will bring forth from her womb a Knowledge that has been protected and cared for within her for thousands of years, and which will shortly be born unto the Outer world of men. Verily, even now the pains of labor begin.

The Order of the Red Hand is as old as man upon the face of the Earth. Everywhere, archaeologists find representations of a human hand painted red. It exists in abundance on cave walls throughout Europe, in cave dwellings in North America, and is found on many of the walls of the Mayan Temples in Yucatan, Mexico. The hand itself is a mystical symbol of great antiquity, and the mysteries it represents are still incorporated in the secret lodge ceremonies of today. Scientists have wondered why the Red Hand is so much in evidence among world peoples. And simply because they do not know nor have a better explanation, they say that it is only proof that the ancients were good doodlers and dabblers.

But, to you who are Students of Light, the Red Hand was and is much more than that. It stands for the preservation of all that and is good and true, while its opposite, the Black Hand (of the dark forces operating on earth right now), stands for the destruction of the Arcane Knowledge that has been accumulated over many centuries. For example, it was the force of the Black Hand that destroyed the Alexandrian Library (in Egypt), but it was the efforts of the Red Hand that prevented total destruction and secured the most important documents in hidden chambers so that only copies or unimportant manuscripts went up in the flames started by Caesar (ruler of the roman empire).

The members of the Order of the Red Hand are found in many of the Inner Retreats and Mystery Schools throughout the Earth, and they are the appointed guardians over the Secret Places of the Most High. This ancient Order is now in charge of the expeditionary group of the Abbey. Many projects are under way, including research with the rediscovered Lost Writing of the Pre-Incas and of the Empire of Paititi (or Amazonian Empire), complete exploration and mapping of the Great Wall of Peru which is similar to the Great Wall of China and was absolutely unknown until 1931 when it was viewed from the air. This Wall is far older than the Incas or the Chimus before them. Why it was built and the story behind it is fabulous. Another project deals with the re-discovery of the Solar Light Energy used by the Pre-Incas and later by the Incas, who copied them. Yet another project deals with the re-discovery of the Lost Capital of ancient Paititi itself. Already much has been done to bring this about. There are also other projects dealing with the underground tunnel system of the ancient Pre-Incas. The Abbey has received the assistance of several South American universities and museums and co-operative scientists. This is invaluable when dealing with the Outer world so that the most benefit can be derived from the discoveries made.

This then, is really a quest for the Red Hand, a quest for the Truth about man and why he finds himself upon the Red Planet Earth, what he must learn while he is here, and where he is going in the New Age now dawning. Although, at first, it seems strange, Lost Cities of South America and the UFOs belonging to arriving space visitors, are connected, and both play a vital role in the present work of the ancient Order of the Red Hand!

The Order of the Red Hand - Secret Of The Andes - Part 7

The Biography of George Hunt Williamson

George Hunt Williamson (the writer of this article) was, above all, a Seeker. From an early age he came under influences which, whether by chance or fate or design, propelled his life into a search for answers to the events of his inner and outer life.

In his late teens when Williamson followed the inner urge to discover the answers to his many questions he did what many do- sought the nearest so called ‘experts’ he could find. Unfortunately this lead him into the confused and murky world of Pelley and his associates and their theories and dogma coloured his thinking and ongoing research for many years. However, even in SoulCraft’s distorted mythology were Pearls of wisdom and guidance taken from older sources and these were digested by Williamson and worked their magic in his inner world and subconscious. Williamson was honest in his Search- he was not going to settle for the half hearted and the spurious and he moved on from these early influences, – he carried on his search into the future with even more energy.

The dramatic increase in UFO awareness in the late forties and early fifties resonated very deeply with Williamson, because in his childhood he had had personal experiences through dreams and physical reality with the UFO archetype and phenomenon. Of course at that time UFO’s were unknown and so Williamson had to place his experiences in the more ‘conventional’ mythologies available to him. But when the UFO’s began to increase their presence in the skies above, Williamson immediately realised that somehow he was a part of it- that he was personally connected with the UFO phenomenon.

This lead him to a deep study of the mythology from the indigenous peoples of his American homeland and then South America. Along the way he, of course, dabbled in ‘mainstream’ ufology, he saw the UFO’s as physical spaceships from elsewhere and attempted contact with them- he wrote books about his early experiments with ham radio and so on. But all the while Williamson’s own Search- to discover answers to his own inner questions, to understand himself – continued, deepened, became more sincere. He knew that his experiments, writings, and his connections with people such as Adamski were not the answer- Williamson was aways left, finally alone with himself and his own Question unanswered.

Suddenly, in the early sixties, George Hunt Williamson disappeared from public view.

Willamson had left to discover his destiny in South America, and for him and his own personal quest this lead to the answers and understandings he had searched for, his entire life. Outwardly he authored his most famous, and for many, inspired books- filled with wonderful mythologies weaving together all the threads he had discovered along the way- but these were not his truth, his personal truth- they were written for the world in allegorical form, he wrote from inspiration and his books were designed to carry certain information in a coded pattern into the future. That is why the author of these books is given as Brother Philip rather than George Hunt Williamson.

In South America Williamson finally “met” with the consciousness behind the UFO’s and phenomenon which had been such a part of his entire lifes story and the truth he discovered led to the ending of his UFO research, rather than a new beginning. He had found himself.

Upon returning to the U.S., Williamson lead a much ‘quieter’ and private life, though he still researched into earth mysteries and so on his main inclination was to follow the path of a type of, for him, true Christian way in the Gnostic tradition.

Origins Of The Solar Brotherhood Of The Seven Rays - Secrets Of The Andes - Part 1

The Golden Sun Disc Of Mu - Secrets Of The Andes - Part 2

The Elohim Is The Elder Race Of Earth Humans - Secret Of The Andes - Part 3

The New World Focus Of Illumination Is America - Secret Of The Andes - Part 4

The Ancient Amethystine Order - Secret Of The Andes - Part 5

The Abbey: Lord Muru’s Primary Outer Retreat - Secret Of The Andes - Part 6

The Order of the Red Hand - Secret Of The Andes - Part 7

by GEORGE HUNT WILLIAMSON - link for his ‘biography’

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