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martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

LAST CHANCE ~ $100 Off EndsTONIGHT Plus F*R*E*E Abundance Audios

Hi Sri,
Thanks so much for being part of this loving community, simply
by being part of this list you are increasing your vibration
and contributing that to the world. Know that I send everyone
Ho'oponopono prayers each night... like a permanent prayer
circle (I love you, thank you!). WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS!
[If you have problems with links in this email simply copy and
paste them into your browser.]

Tonight ends the $100 off coupon for Mary A Hall's profound
and proven Abundant Life Coaching Audio set.

As you know with almost everything I do there is a f-r-e-e
and if you want to take it deeper there is usually
more. This email delivers both in spades (so scroll down
to experience the FR*EE, and check out the offers too)
FIRST - The Epitome of Abundance Training - $100 OFF


Imagine a time that no matter what shows up you have the tools
and the internal confidence and power to manage it.
Not only
manage it, but to use it to bring yourself even deeper into flow
and therefore into abundance, continually.

This amazing program works on all forms of abundance, abundant
health, abundant wealth, abundant relationships, abundant love
and anything else you can think of that you want an abundance

Mary A. Hall created the most amazing program; An Abundant Life.
Through this program she will guide you as she guided me to
discover that feeling sense of abundance that grows wit h practice.
The nuances of this feeling can be fleeting, but through Mary's
Abundant Life Program, you will be able to call it up and use it
to create the life you have dreamt of.


I actually convinced Mary to put this program together so I
could share with you this amazing system that she coached me on.
I am even on some of the coaching calls helping Mary to summarize.
Know that while I am now helping Mary to teach this sometimes, I
was totally the student of hers just two short years ago.

Mary is the coach who almost single-handedly showed me how to be
in flow. I can credit her with the insights and energy I used to
create an outrageously successful business, beyond my wildest
imagination AND having come out of extreme poverty (I was two
weeks away from living in my car).

Mary has discovered that, there is an actual energy imprint or
blueprint for abundance to flow. In this program Mary discusses
what that blue print looks like and feels like and the innate
properties of this foundational energy.

So I brainstormed with Mary and asked "how can I help all of these
folks that so desperately need this information." And this is what
we came up with, a gift of the her AMAZING and energy expanding
appearance on Healing With The Masters (scroll down for info on how
to download and own this) AND here is the next coolest thing, Mary
is offering a $100 OFF coupon for her Abundant Life program. WOW!

YEAH you read that right $100 off an already amazing price. Here
is all you have to do, just use coupon cod e: HWTMDISCOUNT (All
caps no spaces) in the checkout coupon box (be sure to hit the
"Apply" button
) and you will receive $100 OFF! This offer expires
on Tuesday Feb 16 TONIGHT.
(remember to use HWTMDISCOUNT and "Apply" it to receive the


I have received so many emails from folks over the last month
or so, that are struggling with their finances. I want to make a
difference for you and turn you onto the one proven system I know
of to assist you in turning that corner on abundance for good.

Well here is the part that I hardly ever do-- give away (to
download and own) one of my Healing With The Masters shows...
especially the ones th at are so packed full of usable info
and techniques you can apply to your life right now.

Mary has been, year over year THE most popular replay in the
series, beyond the big names even. AND for good reason.

I think it is because the energy on the call is so palpable and
the shifts people experience are so visceral. It is the law of
attraction in action, people are just called to it. Just as you
are reading this right now and feeling into the energy and
healing of what I am sharing about this.

Here is my gift, you can download and own Mary A. Halls amazing
call on abundance from this past spring series.

Here is the audio from the show... listen and change


Mary not only offered us some amazing insights (you hav e likely
not heard these perspectives before), but she held us in an
energetic bubble of abundance and love. The healing energies
on this call are off the charts... you have the opportunity to
feel this to your core, and use this energy to increase your
frequencies right now.

Even if her program is out of the questions, use the call and
listen over and over and over again. I promise it will change you.
A Workshop of Unconditional LOVE - With Dee Wallace

The "Loving Me" Playshop With Dee Wallace


Dee is very well known as an actress who played the Mother in the
movie ET.
What you might not know is that she is one of the most
amazing healers and for more than a decade has been developing her
own proprietary I~M system. Using the I~M principles she has changed
thousands of lives through her talks, her book Conscious Creation
and now this amazing workshop.

Dee is able to see directly and immediately what is going on and
almost instantly can clear the dissonance.

This workshop will take you on a journey to truly discover love, to
know what love is and create it in your life.

Dates: Saturday March 5
Location: Marriott Warner Center, Woodland Hills, California

You will alter your perception to be in love with love and do that
more naturally. As we all know when we are in a place of love that
is the place of flow and balance, the only energy that creates
health and abundance. When you are in love, you are in abundance
and health

This is a one day workshop and Dee is offering it at an outrageously
low rate
. If this is resonating sign up right now while it is right in
front of you.


OK Here is gift number 2... the link below is to a special replay
and download page for one of Dee's recent high powered, high
vibrating KICK @ss calls on MasterWorks Healing Membership Site
. That
is correct you can download own this one and play it again and again
which I strongly recommend.

This call has the potential to change you at your foundation, so
only download/listen if you are ready to shift into an energetically
bigger you.


Once you get a taste of Dee you will definitely want to spend a day
with her at her workshop... you will kick yourself when future
workshops are double and triple the price. AND you get to hang
with her in such an intimate setting.

Turning Passion Into Profits

Carol Look and I along with Bob Doyle, Nicholas Ortner and Rick Wilkes
will be coaching those mature and/or aspiring entrepreneurs how to
create business and personal success...

When I had amazing EFT Master Carol Look on Healing With the
Master it was clear there was an energetic compatibility. We
talked and connected immediately and decided to create a
workshop with the lovely Bob Doyle-- what an wonderful man! Amazingly
around the same time I did a sho w with Bob where we were both
guests being interviewed, and we were blown away by our common
approaches and similar backgrounds. PLUS, renowned internet success
business man Nicholas Ortner (creator of The Tapping Summit, Try
it on Everything movie, Tapping Insiders Club) will be there to
guide you on how to use to the internet to expand your business in
ways you didn't even know was possible. Rick Wilkes is also
contributing-- Rick has co-created several highly successful
technology, publishing, and personal health companies and will
give you the business and the energetic principles of achieving
success here.

This powerhouse team of me, Carol and Bob, Rick and Nicholas will
be a force for good for YOU, that I PROMISE you will want to be
there and experience it in person.

Turning Passions Into Profits

If you want to listen to an amazing preview of this profound
and life changing workshop, click on this link to hear in
more detail what to expect AND to experience shifts and changes
in the moment:

In this workshop you will Learn how to build, grow, expand,
market and revolutionize your business with cutting edge techniques
-- Law of Attraction, Vibrational Technologies, Energy Psychology
and Exceptional Marketing Skills.

This is exactly what I did... I took the tools that you will
learn to use at this workshop and turned my life around. I
left my job in corporate America and used the marketing and
business strategies I will be teaching you along with the
energy principles you will experience fir st hand, and applied
it to my new business as a healer and entrepreneur. I used the
things that you will learn in this workshop to create tremendous
success doing what I have passion for AND changing the world in
the process. You can do the same... seriously if I can do it
anyone can and you will experience it here.

This is shaping up to be one of the most cutting edge
energy/business workshops of 2010
. You can clear AND learn the
business and online marketing ropes to truly drive you business
beyond anything you imagined.


We are only opening this to 85 participants, and we anticipate a
waiting list fairly quickly so claim your space early. And meet
me in person for a hug!

Dates: March 4 - 6
Location: N.J. Hyatt Regency Jersey City on the Hudson (BEAUTIFUL
Location overlooking Manhattan)

This workshop delivers the succinct tools to allow you to learn
the practical step by step business strategies, AND clear the
internal obstacles to achieving business success

Can you picture yourself being with us... changing, shifting and
moving into a wonderful new free, open version of you? If you
see yourself there, and see the changed you moving through your
life after, with new opportunities presenting themselves with
ease and effortless, then this is for you and register NOW.

I really hope you will join us for this amazing workshop and
move into the next best version of you and your business:
For those of you who have been struggling, you are in my thoughts
and I know the info and free downloads can help... so please take
the time to listen to the free audios.

Abundance and blessings to YOU,


Jennifer McLean

Jennifer McLean

4533 MacArthur Blvd #245
Newport Beach, CA

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To update your contact information:

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